
The problem isn't so much the rating system but those that apply it. It's the same with TV and movie rating systems, which speaks to our current, completely bass-ackwards culture as much as anything. Any amount of gore and violence is ok, but there better not be any nudity, because that will surely warp our children

Oh, where to start. First off, there's a key fundamental difference between video games and just about any other medium that's been adapted to movies: interaction. Games are designed to be interactive and played. Yes, they've come a long, long way in terms of storytelling (Uncharted as the obvious example), but

Definitely have to thank him for No. 9. Man, there wouldn't be crap for sci-fi right now without him. One new show between all the networks? How did we go from Lost and like a dozen copycats a few years ago to nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero and a whole lotta diddley squat?

Hell, yes! seconded. I know it had its problems but I still like Chronicles, and Urban was one of the best parts. Moreover, I'm pleased that they will be dealing with the events of Chronicle and not just whisking him away as if it never happened, which I'm sure was a temptation at some point.

Oh, no, it had plenty of dinosaurs, I assume they just didn't think it was ludicrous enough.

By definition, anything described as "Dinosaur TV Show" can't be ludicrous.

Ok, I get the joke now, but still...wow.

Re: the trailer for Lazer Ghosts 2

I REALLY wanted to see that whole future war, but Salvation (which I didn't totally hate, btw) fucked that up so much they'll stay away from it completely. Which means it'll be a re-boot, which means No, Thanks. I guess its best we have no more Terminator films at this point. That makes me a sad panda :(

That...actually doesn't sound too bad. Kind of a mix between Terminator and Quantum Leap, eh?

Good news indeed. Love your name, btw.

Hmmm. I guess I thought a "man-witch" was something else altogether...

Love Nikita.

Yeah, and I love how it's awfully convenient that a woman can't forget anything forgets that day. I'm sure they'll have some reason (good or bad), but the whole conceit is just that, a conceit. And once that's solved in season two to boost flagging ratings, where will they go?

Really? Seems like a pretty crummy season for new sci-fi shows. There really isn't much. Person of Interest, Alcatraz, Terra Nova are the only ones I'm looking forward to.

Bravo! Well deserved and truly an inspired casting choice to begin with. I just wish GoT had won for best series, but I suspect that will come soon anyway.

Definitely stronger without. It seems to me, in essence, Lucas is saying he knows more about the scene than the director he hired who shot it. Also, I think he put it in there as big FU to all the people who cried about the "Noooo" in the prequels and is basically shoving our noses in it. The answer? Don't buy the new


I think that's supposed to be the superhero version of the left and their human faces on the right. Adding two more would have made it crowded, but yeah, seems like it would have been better showing them instead of the faces.

Truly bizarre. And then you'll hear about someone who barely tapped their head against a door or something and immediately died. Head injuries can be so tricky.