
Yeah, the problem with MoS is not going to be the costume. So they made a slight change to the costume, big whoop. You have to expect changes from the comic page to the screen (though, for the record, if there was something to complain about the costume, I think it's the spider-man scaly look, not his lack of outside

Ha ha! You said "new". Very funny.

I don't know why everyone's acting all surprised and indignant. Everyone decried me when I ranted about the GI Joe movie. Why sell me a movie based on my nostalgia and then change everything about it? I understand some things will change, but when you change the basic premise or characters that much, it longer

Well said. I heartily agree.

Well, no one tell Doc Brown about this.

DC's lost a customer, here. Not just for this, but for all it. I hope they make it up with someone new, or DC's going to go down the tubes.

I tihnk we all knew, deep down, whether we admitted it or not, that The Dark Tower was never going to happen and that's just as well. Better no adaption than a crappy one (not to say Howard's version would have been crappy if done as planned, just that that plan was never going to happen). It was far, far too risky

I once made a completely functional airplane transformer out of legos. Man, I wished I'd kept it. No easy sets for us.

Whedon was hired on the Avengers specifically because he does so well with ensembles, which I think was a fucking brilliant move. Who better to make sure all these big characters contribute to the story? Marvel certainly has their shit together. I just wish DC/WB would, though I think perhaps it's the "WB" part of

They can do one thing right, their animated DCU movies, which I'm pretty sure owes to having Bruce Timm supervising them. Although getting a little sick of just the "big two", Supes and Bats. I mean, I understand they're your're most popular and biggest money-makers, but come on. Where's the Flash, Green Arrow, or

Yeah, that's the other problem. Marvel's done good with some of their second-tier characters (Iron Man and Thor included), but now that they're established, and with the failure of Green Lantern, it's going to be just the well-known ones for a while I think. We have new Superman and Batman next year.

Isn't Iron Man 3 also slated for 2013? Marvel, stop putting so many heroes up there all at once or you're going to kill the goose.

Him and Chuck Norris, of course. They don't need guns, amiright?

La la la la la, I am not listening la la la la

I'm already tired of the Cars 2 bashing, which I assume Meredith is joining in on with her opening sentence. My little boy liked it, why is that not enough? God forbid Pixar do something just for kids. It even seems like some people are reveling in it, as if they enjoy finally bringing Pixar down a notch. Let it go.

There is one [i]other[/i] General role Meloni could be...

But I love how the studios will look at every single facet of a failed movie EXCEPT whether the damn thing was actually a good movie or not. They'll find a million excuses why it failed, but will never admit that it just wasn't any good, like they're incapable of admitting they can make mistakes or something. "Oh no,

I'm sure there was more to it than what I saw (like maybe he had no control of what he could sign maybe?), and it's not really fair to judge someone on a single event; nevertheless, it's the first thing I think of whenever his name comes up, like today. He just seemed a little rude when I talked to him, and it was

And also, Bulloch is a bit of a jerk who's been milking his 15 min of fame for the rest of his life. I attended a con some years ago (pre-prequels) when DS9 was a season or three old and they had Terry Farrell and Bulloch as guests. They had each slotted for an autograph line. Terry signed for every single person who

Momoa looks like he has bewbs in that picture.