Just because they're alive doesn't mean they don't have some surprises coming. Can't say anymore till you're done reading them. ;)
Just because they're alive doesn't mean they don't have some surprises coming. Can't say anymore till you're done reading them. ;)
You won't be sorry, but definitely keep away from spoilers. Martin has a few more surprises in store. I've been telling everyone I know for years this is hands down the best fantasy series out there. Better than Jordan. Better than Tolkien (gasp, I said it!)
*****Game of Thrones Spoiler Ahead*******
Jason Momoa as a Klingon would fucking rock.
My wife started reading the books, and Tara doesn't even exist in them.
I've learned the more the critics don't like a movie, the more I will. I have completely different tastes and expectations than they.
Yeah, Man of Steel not shaping up to be something to watch.
Dark Knight Rises: scroll scroll scroll
Yes. Jason Momoa. Was also Ronin on Stargate Atlantis.
Why stop with trimming it down to "John Carter"? Heck, that's still too long, and a handful of people out there might actually think it could be related to that series of old books. Just call it "John", no one could possibly relate THAT to sci-fi, or even better, "J.C." You could sell it as a religious movie and get…
Are you talking about the penciler? Then you usually have an inker and colorist.
Did that. Starship troopers.
I read it as he's asking who wants to see him come back and play Riddick. Why he brings up the money thing I don't know; I agree it makes him seem a little whiney (oh, poor Vin! Only made $20 mil this year!), but hopefully this will happen either way.
I still think Legacy was robbed of a Best Visual Effects oscar (not even a nomination!) and whatever the one given for art and production design. And I still love this movie, so we're both losers I guess.
Not me. I base my movie-going decisions purely on title alone. Don't give me your fancy-schmancy trailers, posters or web blogginess. Haurrump! Now get off my lawn!
Yup yup. I won't be able to think of him any other way now.
I tried to watch The Event, but way too slow and the characters were all uninteresting to say the least. Seems like it had some good ideas, though, if only it had better execution. Too bad.
Is that Stumpy?
While Marvel has its movies firing on all cylinders and DC/WB can't get their heads out of their asses. I'd say Marvel has the priorities right (don't get me wrong, though, I love all the animated DC's, just waiting for my damn kick-ass Superman movie, Flash, WW, Green Arrow, etc., maybe GL will turn it around this…
I think that and Bill's perfectly-sardonic response are my favorite lines out the oh-so-many of that movie. It cracks me up every time.