From the book description:
From the book description:
Only Terra Nova looks worth watching, and I have my doubts it will last. Everything else is completely uninteresting.
Abrams shouldn't have needed to be asked. I like the guy's stuff, but he's all set-up and no follow-through.
Just the part they included here is awful. Doesn't sound Optimus at all. I was too scared to read any more.
Clearly, for whatever reason, someone(s) decided that Welling was NOT to be shown in the suit. I'm still pissed off. Fuck you Smallville. Cock tease right to the end.
I'd really like a link to The Observation Deck from the site, rather than having to bookmark it.
I'm already sick of hearing about the Hunger Games. This does not bode well for me.
The first time I watched this, I wasn't too excited, but after watching it twice more, I decided I like it. I hope this will be a good flick.
Look, I hate to be the harbinger of doom, but considering the money sunk into this and problems so far, American Idol-level of ratings won't be enough to save this, and we all know about Fox's itchy trigger finger.
Meh. Looks like it should be cool, but I just can't seem to get excited for this one.
It's not really spoilery. Hal's relationship with Sinestro and what happens is pretty much a cornerstone of Hal's origin now, not so different from the Kents finding Superman or Batman's parents murdered, it's just not as prolific in the mainstream media (yet). Even the smallest amount of digging into GL will bring it…
What's this Twilight thing I keep hearing so much about?
I still say Brad Garret would be the perfect Kilowog. Just hear him say "Poozer" in his voice in your head and try to get it out. Still, MCD isn't a bad second choice.
Maybe I should qualify my remarks. For Children, as well as Moon, for that matter, while I recognize they are good science fiction movies, are just not personal favorites. I liked Moon well enough but didn't see it as the second coming of sci-fi, and my problem with Children is that I saw it right after seeing Pan's…
Why do they always take away the wrong message when a movie fails? It's always a statement about what the audience wants, never the quality of the product. Maybe Nemesis or Enterprise failed because they we're as good as what was expected. I guess Hollywood assumes it can never do any wrong, therefor the blame must be…
Oops. You seem to have forgot the "S" at the end of "Alien" on #2. Simple mistake.
The Thing has been moved to Oct 14.
Wow. Nice cosplay, there.
This was too good to be true, the kind of thing that only happens in the Fringe Other-verse, not in this one.