
This will be a first, even for Fox. Kill a show before it even starts.

Also, even though we're a super-advanced race of beings capable of interstellar travel and planetary invasion, we still haven't figured out that whole "clothing" thing.

There's so much about the universe (and everything in it) we don't know...

I wouldn't call Nikita straight-up sci-fi, but it has enough futuristic gadgets and weapons and computers and whatnot I think it's close enough. Seems like the spy genre has joined "genre" interests in general anyway. You're really going to kick yourself once you start watching Titan for not doing it sooner.

SGU at 10pm on Mondays? Sheesh. I get that it's dead and they just want to run off the last eps, but come one. Show a little respect.

I think part of the appeal of cinema (or any creative storytelling medium for that matter) is the ability to explore "what ifs" without any of the actual repercussions. Invasion (or any post-apocalyptic) scenarios aren't just recent, think Red Dawn or every zombie movie ever or the aforementioned Godzilla, and they

I know this is too much to hope for, but I really want this to be a great new military sci-fi flick, to be talked about in the annals of film history alongside Aliens and um, Aliens. Guess there's not too many to start with (great ones, that is.) Maybe Star Trek 2, kinda (Navy in space and all).

Re: V deaths: Please be Tyler, Please be Tyler, Please be Tyler.

Except that, and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but the only people who really need to watch on Fridays are the Nielsen families, right? Since they're the only ones who determine the ratings, it doesn't matter when the rest of us watch, does it?

If this just rehashes his origin all over again, pass. No interest.

"I am the one, the only one, I am the God of kingdom come. Just gimme me the prize!"

Agreed. So much better.

Tried watching the miniseries, but this was flat-out terrible. I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes, it was that bad. The animation was flat and boring, the acting average at best (minus Cullen and Welker of course), the writing and story incoherent. Maybe they've made some improvements since then, but I'll have

When I decided what I was going to do after high school, I had two choices: science or archaeology. I ended up picking engineering, but I often wonder if I should picked the other. I used to collect fossils from cliffs in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. I could have taken classes at Montana State University under Jack

Lol, sorry, I meant to put it in quotes but couldn't edit. Maybe this will help:

You call this archaeology?

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'll out of bubblegum.

I think that's the point, and that's what irks me when they take existing characters and butcher them. If you're using the name and character, then you're relying on my knowledge (and perhaps nostalgia or affection) of that character to get me to watch your show (or movie). I understand there will be changes, I even

They should hire you, except for the murdering part. Even sounds a little Phantom-y.

This has got be a really bad joke, right? This can't be real.