
The Elite is worth every single penny.

You’re going to ruin my sick burn by revealing that I didn’t do Molten Core until we were all so high level it didn’t matter. Shhh. They can never know.

Aukey 4.8A dual charger:

Aukey 4.8A dual charger:

Corsair K95 RGB.

Corsair K95 RGB.

in an odd bit of synergy, i actually like Me Undies. i tried them after seeing the ad on gawker. i'm coming from CK and i moved on after the last product line refresh only had underwear that had CALVIN KLEIN in huge, block letters. the Me Undies are comfortable and are do a better job to keeping your junk in situ than

in an odd bit of synergy, i actually like Me Undies. i tried them after seeing the ad on gawker. i'm coming from CK

I love these boxer briefs by Under Armour 6" BoxerJock.

I love these boxer briefs by Under Armour 6" BoxerJock.

MeUndies.com Men's Boxer Brief's. Comfortable, sustainable, and fun. Come in patterns, and you can save a few dollars by getting the monthly subscriptions

MeUndies.com Men's Boxer Brief's. Comfortable, sustainable, and fun. Come in patterns, and you can save a few

This. I'm poly, my husband isn't. Monogamy is enough for him, and that's fine.

For the people out there with good taste who know the awesome movie Dark City. I instantly thought of this :)

Without the commentary, I probably wouldnt read Kotaku as much as I do.

Your comment reminded me of the Cave Johnson line " I'll be honest, we're just throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do"

He seemed pretty steamed.

This is my favorite Paid Kotaku Advert ever.

Let's band together Kotaku to stop discrimination against orcs

Oh jeez. I might be a freak nasty bitch, cause all I could think was, "The smell of fresh pencils is very soothing."

How can something be "very tepid"? Tepid is by definition not an intense state. Also why is that the part of that message that's bothering me?

"babies seem to be the cause of many of the game's early problems"

I hate to be pedantic. Really. Because this is a decent interface, and the Hoda overlays are intriguing.