
It was an X-ray machine. A Smiths CTX 9800 series, I believe. That was my immediate concern, too. I checked on the radiation exposure, and it appears he’s likely to have received no more than the equivalent of three days normal background radiation during his little adventure.

Confirmed. Lifelong goal since 1982.

We’ve ALL wanted to - he just had the courage to do it.

What makes it particularly hateful is that the knob actually blocks my view of some of the function keys, so I have to crane my neck to read the damned things (because I hate it and rarely use it, and therefore refuse to commit their locations to muscle memory)

Good, can we get rid of that stupid joystick wheel thing now and put a freaking touch screen in there? looking at you too audi and acura

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”

Toyota is the only one doing luxury correctly....


Thats really cool.  And its kind of funny because showing more realistic car physics shows just how much movies, tv and video games have tricked us into thinking cars are WAY more durable than they really are.  I always kind of laugh anytime a car jumps through the air and then land and drives off like nothing

This just makes me want a new Midtown Madness.

*scoffs* You know...

“I’m gear down, flaps out, baby.”
“Cleared for landing, contact tower on visual.”

What a cool guy. I want to start my own car-based ministry, where we’d help underprivileged people get into reliable transportation, since keeping a job in my area is almost impossible in my area unless you have a car. And it’s not just because I love to look at $1k hoopties on Craigslist...

...but that’s part of it.

That paint tho...

!st gen RX7s have the best hoods and rods. The hoods open from the rear and the rods are simple.

And that, as impressive as this is, what I really want to see is something like these...

At 0:40 engineer Holly Nall says “It’s really important that the car can localize, it still needs to understand its position in the world.” But in fact humans drove for a century, and most of the time drive today, without knowing at all their car’s “position in the world,” or in other words its geodetic coordinates.

I take the opposite approach. If traveling alone for a short duration, 1 bag, overhead compartment, no personal items. I hate waiting for the checked bags at the airport.

I wish people would just check their bags and stop bringing carry-ons. I know I am in the vast majority but its SO much easier to travel with your phone, wallet, keys and some ear buds.

Lastly, when you turn the wheel, don’t do the old hand-over-hand maneuver, crossing your arms over in front of the wheel. Just pull down with one hand and up with the other, keeping both on the wheel.