
ha, this was a great read.

i noticed this driving my dad’s F10 M550i this past weekend, and i’m 6'5 — he’s like 5'5. lol. weird.

ahh this is great! reminds me of midtown madness, too. ah, the nostalgia...

i wonder what the heck ever happened to jason harrington. guy aired TSA way out on twitter some years ago but hasn’t had a single tweet in a couple years.

that photo makes the parent in me cringe.

that photo makes the parent in me cringe.

this is gold.


Any insight on if this includes videos?

thanks for this!


this is why i keep my door locked and my window just cracked if the AC isn’t on lol you’re not pulling me out of my car because YOURE mad over something stupid, so much so that you’re ready fight me. lol like you’re still stuck at the light and you’re gonna get stuck at lights... once your sorry ass is out of jail

10... feet....... per second... damnit this was bad

Are we sure this isn’t a late April Fool’s prank?

Yep, this one asshat was driving his big red Toyota Tundra in front of me on the highway last winter (around this time, actually) and a rock bounced off his snow-packed bed and dinged my windshield. Started off as a 1/4" crack and by the end of the day was 2-1/2". Thankfully, my insurance covered a windshield

Drunk wisdom?

darn it!


advocating pnp LED kits.. its the HID frenzy alllll over again... in principle, it all makes perfect sense and the data is quantitative (generally speaking) but the video isn’t, can’t, and never will be conclusive because halogen reflectors were used for comparison instead of an LED projector setup for demonstrating

LEDs, yes... but only in an LED projector housing... a properly-aimed one (defer to the current-gen Corolla low beams. the horror!!!)

lol this is amazing