I legit just spent an entire hour on the site. Window shopping via Internet! Hahah
I legit just spent an entire hour on the site. Window shopping via Internet! Hahah
this guy is awesome
well this escalated quickly
haha 6/10
The cars in that video look like toys thrown around someone's backyard.
At the risk of sounding like a stereotypical autojournalist, BMW, please just bring over the 5-Series Wagon. I like a weird hatchback, but the GT isn't all that practical, and it certainly isn't beautiful.
yikes. this would probably make me never want to go skydiving again... for like 5 minutes. and then i'd go again.
I was gonna say the same thing. Thanks @Blze001 and @NO
I have family that works at that plant!
although i hoped it was i swear, i truly thought this was faked when i first saw it on twitter. unfortunately it isn't... yikes
word, not to mention that the weather patterns here in the tri-state area are inconsistent as they are
Well, there's already TrackIR, which uses the connected webcam to track head movement and thus changes the view in real-time in the game, in 3. Works really well in the 3D cockpit view. I reckon someone will develop OR support for Prepar3D before they do with this "revamped" version of FSX. OR support for FSX will…
CRYING in laughter at my desk right now. i don't know why this is so funny to me lmao
when i have children (God willing), i bet that taking their technology hostage will – indubitably – be the most effective approach for them. haha
fyeah 8th gen hondas
The RS7 was said to have taken the optimum lines on the track, the kinds you would see a top driver take. How soon before one of these things squares off against a human?
really? fill me in!