
Tough; I already hate football.

Look for it to be driven exclusively by people who consider formal wear to be a tuxedo t-shirt under a straitjacket.

not that i entertain any of this, but...

I remember seeing this video from floating around other places on the interwebs, and I can't help but to smile at this. The kid is truly talented!

the fastest street-legal car*

Or something along the lines of this; allow the user/owner to precisely set the layout of the keypad so that... for example

Great idea.

When ML is released (allegedly on the 25th), you (as well as all those that purchased a Mac on or after June 11th) have 30 days FROM the day of ML's release to request your free copy via the Up-to-Date program site (http://www.apple.com/osx/uptodate/).