Ted Striker

Just like the US version of The Office became a runaway success after finding a voice that was distinct from its UK ancestor, this can work. Will it work is another question; Carolla has always pissed me off, but if he knows his shit, then I'll still watch.

Note to self: don't write car reviews after playing GTA IV for 12 consecutive hours.

He's the gat-damn pater familius.


The Art Car crowd here in Houston is one of the most fun, welcoming groups I've ever met, and Tom was always at the epicenter. I went to the equivalent of this same post-parade party last year, and somehow I'm sure that subsequent parties will be a little less festive.

Drive fast, leave a good looking corpse.

You know, Benny could've ended the cheater with a well-placed stickpin.

Dammit dammit dammit dammit.

I'm just amazed that Conan finally had a guest who was taller than him.

and THAT'S why you never trust the phone company! One of the best "lessons" to learn.

I'll tilt against the consensus (the Caliber) and say Cobalt SS. Same basic concept, even cheaper platform. But the money you save up front can be re-invested in hard-welding the damn thing into something solid enough to rally.

Chrysler Sebring Hardtop Convertible for $38,150. I'm kinda disappointed in myself.

Soon hereafter, he was carjacked and killed.

Take the mid-engined sex machine, leave the cannoli.

As a nod to affirmative action, I hope that whoever replaces you has as much of an RS4 boner as you do.
