Coming to ESPN in 2024: "Wrigleyville is Burning", starring Keanu Reeves as Lou Pinella, Shia LaBouf as Mark Cuban, and Hillary Duff as Alex Rodriguez.
Coming to ESPN in 2024: "Wrigleyville is Burning", starring Keanu Reeves as Lou Pinella, Shia LaBouf as Mark Cuban, and Hillary Duff as Alex Rodriguez.
Tuesdays With Manny
Did the Pads sign Brady Anderson to a one day contract for this game?
Andy Warhol. Not worth all the hype, positive or negative.
The quote from Neifi about "his fans" was the funniest thing I've read all week.
If you can't play a baseball game the day after you heard a fox being fucked by a teddy bear, then you may not have what it takes to make it in the majors.
Scott Pollard approved this message.
The sweatshop kids making these clothes might as well be in an irony goldmine.
I nominate "The People's Princess" as Noah's official nickname.
I was expecting him to get into it with Lily Tomlin.
SWB Dodge Ram with the Hemi, about four-five years old: $16,000. Supercharger + goodies: $4,000. 500hp for 20K.
There's part of me that wants to believe that Davey made the plot up from scratch, but my heart knows that it's all true. So awesomely true.
She's so orange she contains the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.