
“I wish that we were teaching men to just, you know, NOT RAPE, but that doesn’t seem like that will happen any time in the near future.”

Feels like a leftist ruse de guerre, or at the very least is being hyped to promote anti-Christian backlash.

This is what Obama voters actually believe.

False assumption? It’s a factual assumption that Democrats benefit from dependency. Does either party really want people going hungry? No. But does one overwhelmingly benefit when they do, yes, Democrats.

Democrats won’t be happy until 300 million Americans are on food stamps. They get closer to their goal every year.

Unless you have money to throw away, anyone who buys a European car is a moron.

I guarantee Gawker doesn’t apply nearly this level of scrutiny to the DNC debates.

No it’s not ridiculous it just sounds like a catch 22. Doesn’t it take at least 5 minutes or so for your engine to warm up enough to provide heat?

Who blasts hot air directly into their face? That’s what the floor vents are for.

In entertainment media the male is the dependent dummy worth of ridicule, and the woman is enlightened marble sculpture. Do you really expect the unionized writers of this website to stray from the cookie cutter narrative?

Now playing

Actual threat of gun violence in Massachusetts:

I could explain to you how you’ve been brainwashed by Hollywood (cliche, I know), but I can tell it would do absolutely no good.

Read the article moron. They were invited and are avid players.

2nd Amendment sites blaming video games?

It is opportunistic, because I don’t even see the threat here. Those shotgun shells for specifically for shooting at clay targets. They’re not even optimal for hunting birds. Witnesses say they seemed like rational people, and were invited to the event. They didn’t try to get guns into the event. Where is the motive?

What is the difference between a WD Elements portable and a WD Passport portable? They both come in 2TB versions.

What is the difference between a WD Elements portable and a WD Passport portable? They both come in 2TB versions.

Scientology is cognitive cancer.

If you opt for the DIY option, make sure your car is extremely clean. Like white glove military inspection clean. Elbowing in fine grit when applying the wax will wreck the clear coat.

Considering most of the other “allies” in the Pacific are largely worthless militarily, yeah you can.