Not surprised to see Penn State have its way with a young OSU team.
Not surprised to see Penn State have its way with a young OSU team.
I think there’s always a danger with this kind of ready-reckoning selection - as if three is some magic number - hides a lot of the complexity of life. Even with the ‘exception’ disclaimer, there are people, friends, family, acquaintances where 3 is not the right number. It oversimplifies life which is not just a case…
If they’re jaywalking, and you have no alternative, run them the fuck over.
Seems to me libertarianism is about as American as it gets. Socially inclusive yet wanting freedom from overbearing government. Problem is, few people know what the Libertarian Party is about and think it’s some sort of anarchist Republican spin off
Gawker Media Inc: Normalizing political violence since 2016.
1. It was literally the first exchange we’ve had, so it’s not a comeback (which is one word but we’ve already established grammar as one of your weak points).
Good come back. It shows liberals have nothing else to grasp at. I cant wait to read all the liberal bitching come November. Actually, when Trump destroys her on Monday I’ll get a taste of it.
Your such a dumbass and are proof that liberals are basically all liars and only see things in the way that you think will push the liberal agenda. From your post you just made the assumption that he and all of his family is here illegally. The way you reacted makes me wonder if you are. This is the problem with…
I can tell you that you seem to have an overblown idea of the amount of power the POTUS really has. There’s a reason for checks and balances. This is one of those reasons.
Meme Magic is real!!! I’m a nimble navigator and proud of it. Sorry I can’t keep quiet any longer! It’s sad that we can’t say we are Trump supporters because we will be labeled as racist or self hating. I’m Hispanic and voting for DJT!!!
It has no racial connotation you SJW cancer shit.
He and his huckster wife are scum.
I prefer keeping them seperate - makes it that much easier to change out service providers if all of my internal network contact points stay the same and I just drop in a DSL modem instead of the cable modem the next time somebody else has better promo rates.
I prefer keeping them seperate - makes it that much easier to change out service providers if all of my internal…
It’s my daily beater Civic.
I buy pecorino romano and asiago and use a blend of the two rather than parm...
just a word of note, if there’s one electric car that’s more crony capitalist than Muskmobiles it’s the Nissan Leaf. I haven’t tallied the score recently but the leaf got a lot of support from government.
I’d love to put this on a flat screen mounted on the wall and just use this as art.
You're a Moron. Kaine, is an abomination of a pick, and the delegates should boo his ass off the stage. He's a bank deregulating, religious nut case, that belongs in the past. He's a fucking blue dog, a d that lot are, and always will be, the scum of the earth.
Also very tasty.