
How will Apple pretend to care about diversity now?

What’s complicated? Just dial 999 on the keypad. No, not that one, the other one. No, the other one. 

Evernote has audio transcription?

Don’t think I’ve seen these mentioned anywhere.

They took away the instant replay button when they added voice search on the Roku 3.

Doesn’t have IR and couldn’t use my universal remote so it went back to Amazon.

Remind me, who went to jail for the GM Ignition Switch scandal?

Is it $15 per line only if you have your own phone but $40 if you still have a phone under contract?

The first version was always dead when I wanted to use it.

Plex doesn’t really do anything for free unless you have the movie and television videos or know someone willing to share their server.

Hasn’t Prime ran it’s course really?

I know lists like these are subjective but some of these movies shouldn't even be considered superhero movies.

Interesting but makes it sound like it takes a day to get something by container. Door-to-door from Europe or China can be 4 to 6 weeks.

Probably not. I have a few clients that always complain it's too slow but when I give it a test, it doesn't seem that bad.... so who the hell knows.

Has there ever been a case of malware?

Can Evernote make their mobile and desktop client work with regular notes first.

The avatars are only in Group messages because Apple has a good reason.

Just when you think 1¢ isn’t enough to enter data into a field, turns out they want 10 fields for 1¢.

I know people just want to earn some extra cash here and there but man, just when you think 1¢ isn’t enough to so some of these HITs, you accept the task and realize you need to fill in 10 to 20 blanks to earn that 1¢. I don’t really have a word for what that feels like. If anyone wants to earn 10¢ per task, check out

Don’t show me ads before I watch something. I just want to get to the thing I want to watch.