
Isn’t it not the highest view in America though. I thought I read somewhere that the height is measured to the top of the spire, a.k.a. “spire” so the Willis Tower is really taller if you measure the actual building and has a higher view.

+1 for calling Dare Devil: Batman and Ghost Rider: Dare Devil

Every time I get rerouted to avoid traffic, the trip ends up being longer than just sitting in traffic.

I like how when you swipe up to send the photo, the phone gets all wobbly and you end up taking a blurry photo.

My 2011 iMac 27" i7 3.something with 32GB RAM and 2TB Drive takes about 20 minutes to boot up if I need to restart.

You guys are so fancy.

Jack Donahgy Negotiation Rules

I wish they would add a large archive button on swipe inside the app as well.

Kate Mara is no Jessica Alba.

Does iOS have that permission request to give access to airplane mode and read text messages?

So instead of swiping up to Control Center to change Spotify tracks (which controls the desktop version), swipe down for this widget. Got it.

I love the extra stars. I wish they worked on the mobile app. The mobile app just makes everything a yellow star.

I've been using Pocket for 'read later' type things which automatically tags items and Evernote for long term things like ideas as well clippings from websites for how-to's and tech troubleshooting. I save all manuals and also scan in bills and receipts and I have a decent sized collection of quotes which I will tag

Lately I've been leaving everything in the default folder and just search when I need something.

Cobook does tags which become groups for iCloud and Gmail.

This list wasn't as bad as some other lists.

Wasn't this weeks ago?

It'll be awesome if this movie makes $40 million the first weekend from video-on-demand sales.

The question is why the tel co's have been doing business with thieves all these years and why the Feds have allowed them to do so.

It would have been nice to have been given a choice between an updated 4" model and the two new ones. Especially when Apple kept insisting the smaller screen was the perfect fit.