
Thanks for the tip.

What would allow me to remote control a client's iPad to walk them through something?

I get it. It's a free update and it is a feature I didn't even know was possible. You are right.

iOS desperately needs some remote support / remote control.

It was the one feature I was excited about and it wont work on a fully loaded 2011 27" iMac i7 w/ 32gb RAM. Somehow my iMac is obsolete.

Works on the iPhone. Quick press of the button launches Siri which is nice but 4 out 5 people say they can't hear me.

I'm with you on that. Isn't have everything in Camera Roll and also almost everything in Photo Stream confusing? It's just that people got used to it and hate change for any reason.

Both GIF Keyboards need some tweaks but I think Riffsy is little better right now. It actually shows you the animations without having to tap each gif one by one.

I was wondering if it's Meg I always see or the annoying little girl from that 70's show. I'm still not over her performance in Max Payne.

I liked the Chrome syncing but mobile Safari has the swipe back gesture and buttons along the bottom. Mobile Chrome swipes between tabs which isn't as necessary or useful.

The whole thing about the girl not knowing she was a princess has been over done but the story still seems kind of interesting. There's just something wrong with Mila Kunis and her delivery.

I remember those days. I just wish they didn't make her run around these days for no reason.

Anyone ever notice that Vanna does nothing? She runs around the stage pretending to reveal the letters by touching the screens which probably aren't even touch sensitive, but when the contestant guesses the puzzle, the letters just all show at the same time.

I wish the cap was at the top just in case of a leak.

I spend so much money on stuff I actually want and see almost no commercials. In fact the only ads I don't block are search ads since I'm probably looking for something to buy.

I use Mac at home and Win 7 at work. Dock looks really cool but I really miss all the features of the Win 7 Star Menu and taskbar when on the Mac. Basically, recent apps, thumbnails on hover and jump lists. Ok, so three features.

With the amount they earn off the App Store, they should be giving away the phone and internet access but why do that when they don't have to.

Well said.

I don't mind Facebook knowing everything about me, my friends, our likes, our conversations, but now all the stuff I read as well?