
IMO, I like that an iPhone 9 times out of 10 will last the 2 years and with the latest OS available in that 2 year period. Android phone manufacturers are constantly trying to out do each other in less then a year with fractured OS updates so you feel like your phone us dated earlier and the only thing stopping you

More importantly how did they manage to fit a dime into Google Glass. Amazing what technology can do. Hold this device metered...wait...that's stupid, there's no coin slot!

Dammit, I just laughed at this trailer, I will go hate myself now, and then stream the movie for free online....sticking it to the man while also feeding my self loathing :(

Wait so these guys would be playing CoD and Battlefield, I would have thought they would prefer playing games that steer clear of their actual day to day jobs. Maybe more fantasy and less war...i am probably wrong but interested to know gaming habits of our service guys.

Ok, this is a "well what passes for" comedy channel, it is not serious at all.

This brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye....this is awesome.

You may take this as a conspiracy theory but I feel in my opinion that companies have all this tech shelved as there would be a loss in revenue should they release it. Why would you buy something new when the old one still has not diminished in any way. Whatever makes a profit will bubble to the top of R&D departments

In my opinion with all the new revenue that Microsoft will be making from the ex used game market will allow the cost of games to go down since we will have no choice but to purchase the games new and Microsoft can create their own rental and trail version games. This is a new beginning and change always makes people


This is caused by drivers who think the cars in the closing lane are queue jumpers when they are not. We treat road lanes as human event ticket lines and so take things personally when drivers merge when we should be looking at the big picture to prevent traffic jams and let them in. Human nature prevents zipper

Can't you just unlock the door once you break the glass and open it to let the hose through the other side.

Fax Machines - WTF?? Why do they still exist? But without them company will not accept documents any other way, especially the medical field. How can receiving a crappy printed dot matrix quality piece of paper that's resolution is piss poor be a process to receive and send secure signature documents. Argh!!

Wow, where the hell was the mom, put the f*cking sale item down and take care of your kid. I see so many stories of parents letting their kids run wild and then cry when their kiddies' bones are turned into click clacks by some sick f*ck!!!

How to Track Your iPhone 5 Shipment Without a Tracking Number

Try this, it is how I am tracking my iPhone 5

I should be able to get a nano SIM on Launch day right? Bought the phone under my wife's account and she would prefer the 4S that I have so just popping over to an AT&T store to get a Nano SIM with my phone number on it should be fine right? I also have the grandfathered Unlimited Data Plan, how hard is it going to be?

My wife does not care about new technology, she is happy with getting the iPhone 4S that will replace her current iPhone 4 and then the upgrade process will repeat again when I become eligible for the next iPhone, then she will get the iPhone 5 and so on, back and forth.

Wow, how small is this SIM gonna get in the next iPhone, soon they will be SIM-less.