
“DIY Submarine” is just another way of saying “elaborate, painful, low success rate suicide method.” For the kinds of exploration they’re ostensibly interested in, remotely-operated vehicles would be vastly more flexible, have much deeper dive limits, and be far more economical without any of the challenges of life

“Hah hah! We’re such a lighthearted city - check out our funny road signs about a condiment!”


There will be an epic space race between India and China to determine which nation will be the first to leave a complete human corpse on the Moon...

A Canadian driver was pulled over yesterday and hit with over $,1500 U.S. in fines

So, balls-to-the-wall on nuclear power, so that we save lives AND the environment. Got it. 

I don’t have the data to dispute the round-trip charge/discharge efficiency for particular battery chemistry, so I’ll stipulate to that, though I suspect that in practice for very large capacity batteries capable of powering a race car, charged at a reasonable rate, it’s going to probably split the difference.


Well, its definitely not the right way to fight a racing vehicle fire with a trapped driver... especially with an extinguisher with limited capacity.

Yes, you should definitely discount the dude with the extinguisher, who, instead of going to the source of the fire (and protecting the driver still inside the car!) started spraying the burning fuel at the point where it was farthest away from the car and working his way back toward it.

Last November, Rivsu, a shop that specializes in importing desirable Japanese cars to the U.S., accepted a $335,000 loan from close acquaintance, South Dakora resident Craig Seidel, to refund customer deposits for three Nissan Skyline R34 GT-Rs.

Like Formula E, this is just electric car dick-waving. When you charge batteries by using a diesel generator fueled by glycerol, you’re basically throwing away 30% of the energy in thermomodynamic loss going from mechanical energy to electricity to mechanical energy again. The cars would be much, much more efficient

Welcome to two years ago, Jason!

For the last damn time, the Corvette has been mid-engine since the 1997 model year. Calling this new hypothetical model “mid engine” is as useful as calling it “two seat”. It is a mid-rear design. Period. Full stop.

Yeah, there is no actual “steam” involved with this model (or any consumer level carpet shampooer I am aware of). The water is only as hot as you can get it out of your tap, and these machines do a mediocre job at best.

Yeah, there is no actual “steam” involved with this model (or any consumer level carpet shampooer I am aware of).

Formula E is a sad, sick joke on every level anyway. You know how they charge the cars? Big portable diesel generators, running on glycerin fuel. So why not simply run the cars directly with glycerine-fueled diesel power plants on board, and not throw away 30% or more of the energy in the fuel by converting mechanical

There’s a simple response:
Dealer: “We over-quoted you on your trade in, and we need you to come in and sign a new contract and give us another $140.”
You: “That’s interesting, because I also over-paid on my new car by $1,140. Go ahead and prepare a new contract correcting both of those mistakes and have a check for

So roughly 2.3 people a year killed and 3.75 injured since 2006. While I am not heartless, and I empathize with the families of the victims, statistically this is a non-issue; so astonishingly rare as to be on the same level as a fatal shark attack or being killed by a lightning strike.

Tweels are a bad solution for off-road use. All those “sidewall” voids to pack up with mud/dirt/rocks or catch a nice big branch and start whipping it around...

Oh please.
You idiots push “publish” on dozens of articles a day with multiple misspelled words, grammar errors, and simple, easily avoidable errors. But nobody ever proofs their own work, and I guess “editor” is just an honorary title at Jalopnik.

Get your own shit together before you even start calling out others.