First I dont know how much prices are inflated since everyone seems to have the same prices for the level of service they offer.
First I dont know how much prices are inflated since everyone seems to have the same prices for the level of service they offer.
Except google fiber kind of proved that it didn't. Literally where ever it was rolled out prices dropped overnight. If that could happen in such a short time I don't think the issue is of actual cost and its more an issue of margin.
I hope it's only in the sense that Comcast can be trusted to exclusively find new ways to hurt you/raise prices/drop service/data cap you. Whereas the US government is more of a mixed bag don't know if they are going to be spying on you or successfully creating a society where generally you don't need to worry about…
Yeah no none of the stuff you said holds up. Motorola droids were selling gangbusters on Verizon up until 2011, HTC was making record profits with android steadily until 2012.
First and foremost prices are already incredibly inflated no matter where you are in the United States and I don't for one minute believe any company has a problem charging different price for different areas. There's already vast differences for prices within downstate New York.
My god you astroturfers are the worst. First and foremost Samsung wasn't cemented as the android manufacturer it is today when skip have the burning platform memo. So to product that things would have been the same if Nokia put it's weight behind a full fledged mobile OS as opposed to the incomplete mess that was…
Except for the part where they couldn't turn a profit and had to sell the majority of their company to remain a company.
If by frequently you mean stuck a 4% then yes they are rapidly expanding to 4.1% market share.
Sad thing to say but this is absolutely right. At 100 dollars more the XB1 is a hard sell. If my group of friends didn't all prematurely decide that we should get the XB1 I'd probably be rocking a PS4 now.
You are probably the rightest person in this thread.
Maybe I was being snarky about it and I'm sorry for that. I won't say there isn't any skill to COD because there clearly is if certain people can consistently rack up kills in the high teens and have K/D ratio's of 3 and up. I'll just say I don't get it because my games are all over the place in COD, either doing…
Maybe I was exaggerating a bit, but in "teamdeath match" both sides play so conservatively they created "Kill Confirmed" just to get people to move around the map.
What in the holy hell are you talking about? Please, for my sake, stick to Halo or GoW or Killzone or whatever "shoot the guy 30 times to kill him" game you play.
Please enlighten me with your definition of faux pas. Because as far as google says its a social blunder/miss step/error. It doesn't imply severity and I certainly can see being racist, sexist and homophobic as an error, miss step or blunder.
At the same time when everyone plays... "conservatively" the games get hella boring.
I just beat the game got maybe like 5-7 achievements with about 95% of the single player objectives/items found completed. I wondered how come I wasn't at least 50% done with the achievements.
The only difference between me and waitstaff job-wise is that I know my job isn't demanding. It's hectic on some days but more often than not it is cushy with a lot of down time (administrative assistant). And instead of complaining to others that when they don't tip 20% all the time they're taking money out of my…
They don't get minimum wage they make less than minimum wage, with the expectations that tips are supposed to make up the rest. In most cases Tips usually do make up the rest, but every now and then you're in a shitty restaurant, or have a slow day, or just have bad luck with tips that day. The only down side to…
I think the sentiment is that people who work at a fancy restaurant and people who work at applebee's shouldn't get different wages based on the same essential service primarily based on the price of the food. That's why he suggested flat rate tipping. I agree with this in parties of one or two people, any more and…
Yeah I realized after his "perspective" response to my second statement. I just dismissed it. Thanks though!