
You are absolutely right, if it doesn't sell they probably won't make another ps2 era hd remake.

Just don't pretend every company doesn't do it in their own way.

Well it wouldn't be a cash grab if you can't grab cash would it?

I'm not a Playstation Troll. I haven't owned a Playstation product since the PS2. I want a Vita though the ridiculously overpriced (even after they cut the price last year) is keeping me from getting one though.

.....................and there it is

Well there are some issues with it regardless.

On the other hand, if Matsuno and crew really cared about balance in the iconic strategy game, they wouldn't have created Orlandu. So hey. Craziness.

I've had a few times where me or my buddy would randomly drop out of party chat and into lobby chat while still in party chat. Other times we'd seemingly be in two different party chats with each other. Maybe it was the game conflicting with the XB1 party chat, but I'd still consider it an XB1 problem since party chat

I mean this is the first year I've worked fully since college, so previous years I would use it to buy things I couldn't afford through the year like clothes and specifically one year a new computer to replace my aging "Get a Dell" Dell computer.

It is good to know I'm not alone.

I read these articles all the time and its largely the same advice but I love it anyway.

And Gerald became a tan white guy!

Just because you put a party flag above your door doesn't make you any more inviting Haunted Barn.

Halo 4 gets a lot of hate for no reason(besides no competitive ranking). I thought 343 did a pretty good job and I fully expect 5 to be amazing hopefully they add competitive ranking to the actual game.

He died battling the green goblin on his front porch.

I miss when YouTube was small and not owned by Google. It's really depressing to reminisce on what YouTube was like, compared to now.

Agreed, but at the same time more money should mean better content. Without this small monetary gain many people aren't able to make better content.

Just saying that when something is disputed between the youtuber and claimant profits don't automatically go toward the claimant. It is frozen until the dispute is resolved, if the youtuber is innocent they receive their funds back if guilty they don't.

(each priced at ¥400 (US$3.82))

How are you getting it for 5 dollars?