
Living in Michigan, these are now the standard cars given out along with Medicare at 65. Honestly, these seemed to replace the CrownVic/Gran Marquis as old people carrier.

I mean that Volvo has given Mate access to tons of dope shit, which he’s brought to us thanks to this level of access. Given his proximity to all the other Euro manufacturers, they would be wise to give him more access. I hear practically nothing about Volvo development outside of Jalopnik, clearly it’s a wise

I feel like VAG and other euro manufacturers need to give you the level of access Volvo has, because you’re single-handedly doing more for brand recognition than all of Volvo’s combined US marketing.

This would be cool if the screen was that small due to cell phone integration. Instead it’s just a laughably tiny, tiny screen.

I feel like could be debateable either way, though I wouldn’t realistically buy it. What made it an auto-CP was its location... More like meth pipe

I thought he was ashing a J at first

I don’t know if the segue into the boat portion of the article was meant to read like a showdown on The Price is Right, but it did in my head.


It's even a Bottas render too :)

This is awesome, keep us posted about dates and times! I’m only several hours away and this is a definite excuse for a family road-trip.

I can’t understand how someone such as yourself, who embraces all the wonderfully weird shit in this world, could ever be considered a “hater”.

Like, it's exiting authenticity? One could say it's entering the fake realm of FJ Cruisers?

This is all pretty fantastic news. Keep doing what you guys do. Contratulations to all of you!

"We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas are humane."

Remind me to poop in your personally-mandated daily bowl of plain-flavored oatmeal.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved the Chameleon XLE concept. Quite genius to think of it in a military application


Isn’t this just on some LaRouche shit? I didn’t realize anyone was taking this seriously.

Needs more dog bowl wheels

These wheels really don't compliment this car. I feel like they'd be on a wall for clearance prices at NTB or something.