
Wonder Woman is the story of a woman from an island paradise (of varying degrees of paradise) whose world is intruded upon by the outside and who decides to leave all she's known to fight for what she believes in. It's about giving up isolationism to fight for things greater than what exists in your own back yard.

It'll never happen. She's in her mid-40s now and they'll consider her too old for the part, but I would still love to see her as Hippolyta.

I'll believe it when I see it. At various points in history Wonder Woman has had "a project in the pipeline" in various stages of completion. They've attached directors, writers, producers, they've talked about how "important" it is or where it "fits" into their strategy (which I've never believed since their

In certain states (California being one), you can fill out a form stating that you are opposed to vaccines and you'll be allowed to enroll your kids anyway. It completely nullifies mandatory vaccinations as long and you really believe you shouldn't have to do it. There are 18 states that allow for this "personal

The tone of his photographs creeps me out. Like they were shot in the back of the cheapest motels possible, explicitly over-the-top sexual without any other setting. They look like the kind of photos you'd find, stuffed in a shoebox hidden in the walls, in a predator's house after he gets arrested. It's a perfectly

I had a huge crush on a boy in high school. He was Trent Lane, Jordan Catalano, that late-90s beautiful loser. We loved the same bands! Mosh pits! Hanging out in gothy graveyards! We became friends and eventually dated. It was 2 year emotionally manipulative, abusive relationship and I came out of it a wreck,

Yeeeeeaaaahhhh.....the thing is, we don't really want her, so....if you just want to put her in a box and mail her to China where she can hang out with Baby Ice, that's fine with us.

We know you were trying to be funny, we get that. It was pretty obvious with the bears and the racial caricatures that everyone was meant to laugh. The problem is, you were not funny, in large part due to the over the top sexual component of the show (the fact that the performance was terrible and she couldn't sing

He probably uncorked a few dozen bottles of champagne and threw a party.

Love how everyone focuses on the Sinatra aspect of the piece and not this part about the traumatic childhood sexual abuse by Woody Allen.

2 people sharing a single bottle of shampoo doesn't seem weird to me until it's revealed they make it last 8 months. Are they portioning out a bean-size dollop and then mashing their heads together? That's not how getting clean works! Please tell me it's a two gallon bottle!

Bros think any drink that comes in a glass with a stem is dainty and girly. It displays their profound ignorance of any alcohol that doesn't come sold in cans or packs of 30. If it shatters when it gets slammed down on the bartop, it's "dainty."

More commercial Halloween costumes should be designed by drag queens. I want that Medusa wig.

His expression reads like: "my son the photographer called me saying they lost a model, I didn't know please don't judge me but he's my kid."

Yep. Sounds like a Bud Light to me. Or if he's under 30, Bud Light Platinum (actual "beer").

All bros are light beer. And if they make fun of my dainty girly drinks like my Old Fashioned or Manhattan it probably means they're oblivious lightweights too.

We don't have enough to say that he's not happy either. I'm not going to assume he's miserable just because we don't hear his side of an unusual but not incredibly uncommon situation. He might even have a cuckolding fetish and this entire thing works out super well for him. I have no extra worries for strangers.

We don't know that that's the arrangement either. We know she gets to have sex with other people, we do not know what he gets.

I don't know, which is why I made the caveat in my original post "if it's true."

How is what she's doing wrong if she has her husband's consent?