
I've known of several authors who use pseudonym's when publishing works in different genres, often to avoid "preconceptions" of what the book will be like. But for the most part, male authors stay with male names and women authors seem to adopt more gender-neutral or male names. Is there any kind of list or

Since I absolutely love classic science fiction...

My life is...I don't even know. I'm trapped in a job I've learned to hate with a boss I can't stand. I can't leave because I need the money, but the job itself is so uncertain that I don't even know if I'll be employed next month. I'm working on an exit plan that would theoretically free me by the end of the year,

WHY DO THESE PEOPLE GET SUCH BAD TATTOOS?! I'm saving up all my money to get a nice one on my leg, and these shitheads, who have all the moneys, all get the kind of drunk-tats you wake up with after too many tequilas. "Here's $5, just scribble little cursive letters in random places on me."

People laugh when I refer to him as "Baby Ice" but the resemblance gets more uncanny every year. I'm hanging on for the crescendo of his ridiculous farce of a career: Cool As Bieb. I want to see him in a hilarious motorcycle gang rescuing the kidnapped, cancer-riddled brother of the girl he's stalking. And I want

I was looking for something to watch so thanks for posting this. I'm already enjoying it after one episode.

They are not fighting the women's right to leave and form their own group, or the creation of a co-ed group.

They have a right to be jerks, but they are not the club leadership and their attitude is not conducive to creating a sustainable organization. It's already a coed club; they have already lost the battle. If they want a men's-only group, they can go form one because this club, though dominated by one gender, is not

Maaayyybe try reading the whole article?

Women are already in the club. Women already show up to play. No one says these curmudgeons have to put women on their teams, but they can behave like decent humans and not be jerks to the women that do show up and not whine that the game is ruined because "too many women are around." Their attitude is what's

It's not a male only club. From the article:

There's some in every group. I ran an anime club in college and how the hardcore "old members" would whiiiiine when I did events to try and get more people to join or when I nixed their suggestions for what to show. I was "too strict" on my requirements (said requirements were: no rape, no pornography, no repeats

I'm really hoping these are only used on kids that are too young to reliably stay away from common allergens during snack time. Like kindergartners.

"It cannot be denied that visually, clothes fall better on a slimmer frame"

I was under the impression that the public's pubic grooming habits were already turned towards a "less is more" before Sex and the City. Carrie and Co. may have talked about stuff of TV we didn't see used to see women talking about on TV, but they didn't pioneer those conversations. Jokes about Brazilian waxes only

I don't consider these people a good barometer for what "justice" looks like.

I doubt that's the reality, given that they've been caught getting healthy, adoptable animals from shelters and then killing them just "because." They also have an instant-kill philosophy regarding pit bulls.

I'll third a vote for Sunshine and recommend really anything Robin McKinley has done. I've never had a miss from her with the exception of The Outlaws of Sherwood. I'll also throw in the Anno Dracula books by Kim Newman, which are more historically driven.

It's vastly becoming the standard in every sector of history to use BCE/CE, she gets no favors done to her by being indulged over her resistance to academic normality. It's still considered ok to use "BC/AD" because the method is transitioning, but she's on the losing side here. It's not about being the "mean

I've read all the Dresden books, and I don't mind so much the sex stuff. It's always been pretty over-the-top as far as sex goes, but it manages to skirt being creepy for me because it feels right for the genre. It didn't feel wrong for Molly's character either, though I think that Ghost Story was a disappointing