Is "banning porn" military code for "actively and seriously prosecuting sexual assaults instead of sweeping them under the rug and punishing the criminals accordingly?"
Is "banning porn" military code for "actively and seriously prosecuting sexual assaults instead of sweeping them under the rug and punishing the criminals accordingly?"
I've suffered with this condition all my life. It can be treated with high doses of vitamin $, but it's hard to come by without healthcare (another symptom).
That's exactly why I like it as a negative term for misogynists/intrusive, self-important jerks. It's a thing you keep getting told is good for you but all real world evidence proves you're better off without them.
What a giant dripping sack of douches of a human being.
So it's the mean. Does anyone know if that deviates at all from the mode?
How is that average found? Is it the mean or the mode? I really do want to know how it's determined. And are these averages ever segregated into age groups? The CDC it as "ages 20 and up" and that is a huge range.
That sounds very similar to what happened with my friend. Her parents were conservative rightwingers, had her when they were older, and while they weren't poorly educated they were really distrustful of "too much education." Her periods would last for about 6 weeks and she was too terrified to tell them. …
That sounds very similar to what happened with my friend. Her parents were conservative rightwingers, had her when they were older, and while they weren't poorly educated they were really distrustful of "too much education." Her periods would last for about 6 weeks and she was too terrified to tell them. …
I've seen some pretty light skinned black people too, or people of mixed racial decent. It's a blanket term, not a perfect one.
Let me tell you why you need quality sex ed in schools. When I was in 5th grade and they started in with the "your changing bodies" part of the conversation, we were told that if you had asymmetrical breasts, you probably had cancer. Periods would last 8 days, be horrifically painful and several of us would have to…
My reply was specifically about how one can't expect a movie to reflect the demographics of an entire country, it should reflect the locale. And since "persons of color" is a blanket term that covers "everyone not white," it would cover Japanese.
That's not a good comparison. If this movie takes place in New York City like previous incarnations, the demographics are different. You're looking at a population that is less that 50% white, with 25.5% black and 12% of Asian decent. So more than half the list should be people of color.
Given the number of comments saying "ew, Speedos, gross" and "no one wants to see that," as well as my own experiences with people policing men's swimwear, I don't think that's true.
Bit of a douchebro when he doesn't have a team of writers and editors compiling his appearance for him.
Bros, wear whatever you want, whatever you feel the most comfortable in, size/shape be damned. Just stop giving each other shit about it. If a dude wants to wear a speedo, or really little shorts, leave him alone. No crap about covering it up, no "no one wants to see that!", don't go all "no-homo," no snide…
If the pain of the fetus is so important to these congresspeople, then they should enact single-payer health care tout de suite to blanket cover all the costs of prenatal care, pregnancy complications, NICU, etc. They should cover, without question, any and all health care received with the intention of helping a…
Expecting guests to cover the plate cost of the wedding in gifts is such bullshit. It assumes that 1- the guests don't have any financial burden of their own to attend your wedding (travel, lodging, baby-sitting, new outfit, etc) and 2- that all your guests are financially well-off enough to do so.
Hard to "lean-in" to a job you don't have.
I was gonna say...what constitutes "hairy" from some of the posters is pretty low on the Connery Scale.
I don't mind when men say that, but I cannot stand when the non-pregnant partner says, "we're pregnant."