
How about just "tall?" Is there a place for men who are just really tall? Everything that fits the girth of my boyfriend ends up looking like a crop top.

Aside from logistical problems (is the only way to remove this firearm to pretend you're about to perform a striptease for the mugger?) and the comfort issues (I wouldn't want that digging into my ribs), if you can fit AN ENTIRE GUN between you and the bra, then your band is too loose.

It's still inbreeding. The negative effects of inbreeding depend largely on what genes the animal has and how long the inbreeding has been going on. Inbreeding for one or two generations carries significantly less risk than inbreeding for 50 generations.

Matt Bomer is also not an abusive, narcissistic, controlling sociopath, but for some reason I don't see a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to complain that, "hmm, I don't know, I just think he's too mentally stable to be a convincing Christian Grey."

People will put as high a price tag on an object as other people are willing to pay. The real story isn't that someone is selling a hoop for this price, it's how many people are BUYING it.

I was wondering about this, because aside from his rant there was zero information about what these "women's only hours" actually meant. From the gym website, it appears to be this:

I'm convinced part of it is the flash. The little light reflections all over everything, giving otherwise delicious food a horrible slimy sheen. No food looks good using a flash. But dim lighting doesn't do the food any favors either.

I stopped following a blog because the person writing it got really into CSAs and started posting pictures of all their home-cooked meals. It looked gross. Mostly beige, poorly lit, everything appeared slimy, unflattering olive green plates...you wouldn't think that there is such a thing as an unflattering plate

William Sleator is full of good books. "Singularity" and "House of Stairs" were big favorites of mine but I devoured everything he wrote.


Here here. I could not be having with Andrea anymore. What a desperate and frustrating character.

I'm not going to blame Kirkman too much for how the women are portrayed on the show because there is an entire canyon of difference between it and the comics. Andrea, the capable, collected comic book sharp-shooter is unrecognizable from her neurotic, stupid, Ted-Bundy-fangirl counterpart on the show, same thing with

I'm not spending $145 on ANY swimsuit unless it's bulletproof and I can reassemble the pieces into a robot.

One hundred forty-five god damned dollars. Who can afford to wear the damn things.

If these dances aren't school sponsored or supported, then their photos have no business showing up in the yearbook. Have the school sponsor the official prom/homecoming, and if the king couldn't manage to show up for the photo, sorry, looks like you're a footnote: "Homecoming/Prom 2013, not pictured: king of

There's a missed product placement opportunity here.

Yeah, having the vapor hang around while I'm eating would be irritating, though at least not as irritating as the smell. When I'm eating I like to smell my meal.

This description has piqued my interest far more than anything else I've seen about the books has.

Does it smell? I've never seen these things in person and when I hear about the flavors, I feel like they must smell so cloyingly sweet, like those horrible little air-fresheners.