
We were informed she had the flu because she told us, "Hey, I've got the flu." This applies to sexual partners. I am informed when someone tell me, "Hey, I've got X." One cannot be totally informed when the other person deliberately withholds information because they think it is, and let's keep quoting, "a useless

I think people should get regularly screened and pay attention to their sexual health so that you don't have to go back all the way to the first person. You don't have to tell everyone you know, just the people whom you could have given it to. Certainly whoever you were with in the last few months, so they can get

I'm not shaming people for having diseases. I'm shaming people for being covert about it and acting like they have no responsibility in the spread of infections. That's not being a responsible human being, that's being a jerk. That woman in your office who has pneumonia, you KNOW she has it. If you get sick, if

I figure people just keep updating their spreadsheets rather than starting a new one after each test. Maybe there's an element of vanity to it. I don't really care. Just before we started dating, my boyfriend got one of those "hey, you should get tested for X" calls. He tested negative for everything but it's

It's easier for someone to take responsibility for their sexual choices if their past partners keep them informed about possible infections. I don't think a "I'll worry about me, you worry about you" attitude helps.

The whole narcissistic "it's not my problem" is exactly why sexually transmitted diseases become wide-spread problems. You don't want to inform a past sexual partner that you exposed them to a disease because you might feel bad. And they then, unknowingly thanks to you because they might be asymptomatic, might

Or smart. From a health perspective, a list is really useful if you need to track down an STI and alert possibly affected partners.

Here here.

So...am I the only one who thinks keeping a list is a good idea because, once you rack up a certain number of sexual partners, your chances of getting an STI are higher? It doesn't mean you'll GET one, but if you do, it's nice to be able to figure out where you got it and considerate to alert any other partners

It raises my hackles when I hear it. "Selfishness" describes a person who focuses completely on themselves, regardless of the needs or wants of others. It's not a positive word, and in many ways it's a sort of deflection. "No no, you don't understand, I'm too selfish to have children, I'd be a terrible parent! I'd

Oh if only. It's probably the same psychotic loophole that allows states to force clinics to read scripts to their patients that are full of medically inaccurate information.

UHG. That is awful. My reaction to Benzoyl Peroxide was strips of skin peeling off and large, bleeding cysts. They were so painful I would just cry. I was told to suck it up, these side effects would go away "eventually." I was told the same thing about the cystic acne and it's still here, ten years later. I

As long as women can get pregnant, abortion will be necessary.

We should. 88% of abortions occur within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. A whopping 1.5% of abortions occur at 21+ weeks (just over 5 months). Those abortions are generally performed for heart-wrenching reasons that are absolutely no one's business besides the women, her partner (should she chose to involve them)

Benzoyl Peroxide. It's bleach. I hate that it's the standard ingredient in acne treatments, not just because it's destructive but because I'm allergic to it and it took a long time to find products that didn't have any in it.

Which privilege? The one where men think they have a right to sexual attention from me because I have a vagina? Or the one where they call me frigid if I don't and whore if I do?

Stop promoting the Shakespearan agenda. Our grammar teaches there is only ONE form of second person pronouns.

I had to get braces at 16 because I had a double-row of canines. They pulled the baby set (which bafflingly were healthy and showed no signs of falling out) and then drilled through my jaw to preemptively remove my just-forming wisdom teeth. I ended up getting an infection in the left side of my jaw and that was

Uhg, the most of the shitting ones aren't funny to me. The Glen Beck cards seem like a great idea, but I've never seen one played and have it work.

Haha, that's great. The "waiting" card can go soooo many good places. We had "What I think about during sex" paired with "waiting until marriage."