Can’t star that comment enough. If it’s a car I really want to hear more about, I still click the video, but his shocked-at-things-that-are-not-shocking and hyperbole schtick really bugs me. Ugh, and he recently did a vid on a Porsche 928 and COMPLETELY missed the point of the rear sun visors. They’re for the back of

Parker’s is daddy’s money which is even insufferable.

All of these “Look at me and my supercar I know nothing about that I bought with my YouTube money” channels are stupid.

Disappointed to see that this was merely a car transporting a grill and not a car equipped with a functioning propane grill inside like the headline seemed to suggest. Oh, well. It’s Florida we’re talking about, so there’s always tomorrow.

The steering wheel and gauge cluster are dead giveaways. It’s not that hard to figure it out.

Takata approved.

Drives PT Cruiser. Deserves every rock that ends up in her face.

I love that it’s a PT Cruiser, which is like the poster car for vapid people with no taste.

I have no sympathy for people who still don’t wear seat belts. It makes absolutely no sense to me.

The best part was re-using the same slow drive by cut for all of the filler!

Quote of the year, it has to be.

I’m afraid you’ve got your history backwards there, my friend.

Google “Fiat Spider Abarth Classic” and get back to me on this.

I live in a 125 year old house that has plaster and wire lath, which basically turns the whole place into a Farraday cage. As a result I have 3 separate Wi-Fi networks: FBI Surveillance Van, CIA Surveillance Bush and This TV isn’t Spying on You.

You drive a horse, don’t you?

The Viggen was a great car, but I live my 07 9-3!

So go buy a Camry and die of beige.

Top Marx to both of you.

As if a possible bad transmission wasn’t enough, I have a moral objection to giving money to someone who supports a narcissistic demagogue. CP on principle.