How about a “Go Fuck Yourself You Feckless Cunt” in return?

That is just the thing, getting to the table is not the problem - WHEN YOU ABANDON ALL PREREQUISITES FOR THE MEETING.

Just imagine if Obama were to “legitimize” a dictator like Kim with a “summit” and what the GOP would be saying about it. We should just be glad that we didn’t have a “Trump” in the WH during WW2 or we would be “trading” with the Reich.

To be fair, yes the first few hundred Giulias that landed in customer’s hands had irksome software issues. Nothing major, mind you, but annoying enough, but given Alfa’s not entirely deserved reputation, shame on FCA for not sweating the details that extra bit more. However, it seems that most if not all of those

@ Tom McArseland: You know what? Fuck you for talking people out of buying the Giulia. Yeah, all those points you mentioned might be true, but who gives a motherfucking shit? How is the situation going to improve if motor journalist schmocks keep throwing rocks at Alfa and how are there going to be more dealerships if

Andrew Neville Wilman was invited to the Royal Television society conference held Bi annually at King College Cambridge.

“Used Magnums”

“Nothing fails like prayer.” I’d rather have the pilots concentrate on their skillful piloting.

That’s a fine price for a Hellcat with speed-enhancing dimples.

Ehh, aren’t new ones going for like 10k below MSRP now? Seems like a crack pipe deal to me.

Hailcat ??

What is going on with these seat belts in the back seat? Is there a middle seat? It doesn’t look like it, but that third seat belt has to exist for some reason.

If I Recall Correctly. Google - It’s a wonderful thing.

“Alright girls, I want a quarter of you to look pleased you’re here, another quarter to look somewhat surprised, and the last half hold your hands near your head in a way that says “statutory, what’s that mean??”

A 2wd truck? About as useful as a poop flavored lollypop.

Yeah, how dare he talk about his own car and where he lives in an article titled “Show us your local unicorn,” what an asshole!

I’ve come to expect a certain level of humor in these comments ( stupid ) and today I’ve been left disappointed. I just looked through this whole page of serious, and quite nice, replies with not one actual God damned unicorn thrown in for giggles! I have to make this right.

When a Super Trooper goes undercover. NP.

The only counterpoint worth saying, then, is simple and vulgar: Richard Petty, go fuck yourself.