
Rob Holland? As in the american? He raced in BTCC a little bit :)

Only car fans understand, and then only Jalopnik fans understand, that cars are genuinely beautiful and for me, there isn't anything or anyone in this world who makes me feel anywhere close to how a car makes me feel.

Thanks, and actually scaled to 1920x1080 despite the picture not being in the correct ratio. :)

Didn't you know Ford have a stake in Aston? So no they didn't copy.

If you like planes this video isn't really that amazing, YouTube is where it's at

BA were the profitable flyers of Concorde, not AF

Nothing? Old cars were so simple. Restored a Rover Metro GTi with my brother and it went together and passed the road test (MOT in the U.K.) first time. I don't see why i should complain about something like BMC nuts and bolts with stupid sizes when cars today require days just to change the clutch? My brothers audi

Are sponsors really the be all or end all? I watch BTCC and the independent teams on their must really only have 1 income generator which is sponsors...

crack pipe, buy European

You know, I don't know what the point is but war creates some magical planes. Thankyou America, that C-17 is beautiful

I don't love my car. I'm money conscious and just because I have a few thousand saved up I am not happy buying something just to drive. My first car has to be enjoyable.

You're writing things based on what TopGear have said, therefore I am not going to take you seriously. Having a family member with a 156 2.4 with 180,000 miles yet still drives well and pulls, with little rust(!), my opinions are MY opinions not Clarksons

No, the problem is Ford. What the hell is "merkur". That's the Ford Sierra to us British and is a much better name

Looks like you watch TopGear, then. Once again you Americans like to beg for Alfa to come back and yet you still want to argue about build quality. Sorry but a market like that doesn't deserve Italian beauty.

And somehow people are surprised when people like YOU speak the absolute truth. Next season I won't even bother watching TopGear. Last season i started feeling that way, this season I watch on demand instead of watching at the 8pm UK slot. The programme is just lacking in sooo many areas just so it appeals to a

What engine? The turbo engine or the 1300?

There was a longer body version made, only 4 exist. I've seen 2 of them, one of them issigonis had himself. The fuel tank was mounted underneath instead of in the boot, but the car looked almost identical. Issigonis had outside hinges and slide windows instead of wind up, because he could. This particular model also

It's only when you look back at these rally cars, group b, BTCC & I guess ETCC, that you realise how racing is meant to be done and has been completely lost today

Audi's, BMW, Mercedes, not cars to own in the U.K.!

I thought the whole country (USA) was in debt. How can one state be allowed to file, surely it's a state wide problem