Only when I’ve been drinking heavily and can’t walk that well.
Only when I’ve been drinking heavily and can’t walk that well.
You went to a profoundly awful high school, condolences.
I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but haven’t your friends in higher education told you that the phrases are “old wives’ tale” and “taken aback”?
Obviously if he wasn’t resisting arrest, they wouldn’t have arrested him, and there wouldn’t have been anything for him to resist. His resistance to the act caused the act, and thus it is his fault. #alternativefacts #makearrestinggreatagain #thesehashtagsdonothing #soblessed #imadapperdanman
Your attitude will certainly go a long way towards fixing the issues at hand. Very productive.
Let’s not forget he was using spaces meant to be used by people like me. People whose brother in law is a dentist and can get a note to obtain a handicap tag.
The guy can say whatever he wants about Brady’s kid, but on the flip side Brady is well within his rights to resent these comments and decide not to interview again with this new outlet no?
Fine. It ruined Asuka’s moment, which sucks, and took the spotlight away from what was a much better women’s Rumble match than I would have expected, but it’ll probably sell tickets.
A family office led by two guys with a bachelor’s in finance from Nicholls State!
Listen you analog cash carrying Luddite - I vape, have a fidget spinner and pay for everything with crypto cash. My internet girl friend is a model and I main Jaina. Would you call me insufferable or “the worst”?
This was not the fault of the police, at least from the story I’d read. I read that he was moving a hand toward his waist/pocket and he got shot. The dumbest thing you can do as a human being with a bunch of weapons aimed at your face is literally anything that could be taken as aggressive behavior. Oh, and literally…
Get an old car with no loan, get or stay married?
The people who are preventing blockchain from being taken seriously are the people who post things like this. Bitcoin is a faddish “currency” that hasn’t been used for actually purchasing goods or services since August. Blockchain is the underlying technical concept for which Bitcoin was the first broad use case but…
It’s funny how quickly Bitcoin supporters have switched from “Bitcoin is the currency of the future,” to, “Blockchain is the encryption of the future.”
Crypto is fine. Insufferable crypto preachers are the absolute worst.
Sounds like a lot of bad decisions.
You sound like some acolyte circa 1999.
Don’t have a kid until you can afford it.
You’re right. Paying off debt isn’t fun. An article making it out to be easy and pain-free would be misrepresenting that.
Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.