
This is good Kinja

He looks like a middle schooler going to the 8th grade dance in his father’s suit.

Someone just finished binging season 1 of Mindhunter!

Ahhh, got it. Thanks for the insight!

I can’t figure it out either....

I can’t figure this riddle out... Little help??

Don’t let the facts get in the way of his point!!

One scenario that an intentional strike out may make sense - A team with a big lead in the 3rd or 4th inning, and facing an imminent rain out, may want to expedite the pace of the game to make it official and earn the dubbya.

I believe that was around the time that the Rangers/Rangers ownership was having severe financial difficulty and had to file for bankruptcy. They owed a lot of backed wages to current and former players and had to take a loan (which they subsequently defaulted on) from MLB.

This same thing happened with my little brother and me. We were playing the game Butts Up (do kids even play this game anymore?!) with a tennis ball in our parent’s basement.

Love the post and the shot. You chronicled 4 strokes though, not five. So either he made birdie and not par, or you’ve missed one of his strokes on this hole.

As someone who lives in Bmore, even I found that comment a little hypocritical as well!

I can respect and appreciate your argument, but I disagree. Its been a long time since I’ve been in a physical altercation (appx. 15 years), but I got into a lot of fights in college. I suffer from the big mouth-small arms syndrome, and sometimes the fight just finds you. F

or as many fights as I’ve been in (lots),

It’s likely because Trumbo was re-signed this off season. The same off season the Orioles had the opportunity to sign Jose Bautista instead.

I think it is very much worth noting that Andrew Miller has never been a traditional 9th inning closer. The Red Sox, O’s, and Yankees all had him pitching at various points in relief (except for a brief period in NY when Chapman was serving a suspension).

I understand the metrics, but I think using Andrew Miller as

I run a small white collar business with two full time employees making right around $45K-$50K depending on their annual bonuses. When I read about the new law, I thought I would just bump them up a few grand and wash my hands of this new legislation.

I literally spoke with an employee/employer relations attorney

Given the recent news of an actual pitcher in the same division passing away, maybe a title change for this article is in order.

Non Yankee/Sox fan and former baseball player here. I watched the game live, and I’m pretty sure Tim’s image above is from the catcher/umpires POV, not the pitcher/fan.

I would love the details on this.