I wish I could promote this...
I wish I could promote this...
I would get that too sometimes when I was a kid. It's exactly as you describe with people seeming like they were screaming and my adrenalin pumping. Mostly it'd happy at night, and I remember if thinking of people talking would produce the same effect.
Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home.
Isn't gelled gasoline napalm?
Dark Tower can be found online here: [www.hotflashgames.com]
Steak night?!
I'm too late at this point, but I'll take anything extra you have as well. remman83
No, Good Friday is next Friday, the Friday before Easter.
Star Trek 6 was the Undiscovered Country and Star Trek 8 was First Contact. It sounds like you're thinking of Star Trek Generations (the one with Kirk in TNG) and Star Trek Insurrection. Personally I would have said my top two were 2 and 6, but I enjoyed First Contact too.
The word "seafood" in your link at the bottom seems to go to howtolosebellyfatsoon.com.
@MajorGroove: Ohio. Don't you think it's a cute little riddle?
@Edix: It's a form of protesting sure, but there's a difference between standing in front of a building with a sign and taking down a website. If you stand in front of a corporate building with a sign the company can continue to do business. If you take down amazon.com for example, they can't do business.
Beeep Beep-Beep Beeeeeeeeeep!
@Whitson Gordon: I'm 27 and remember fondly using MS-DOS to run Commander Keen and Wolfenstein 3d.
@Ursus Maritimus: That'd be great! ...except that you can't do that with Google Voice yet.
The first option you list, for Google Voice, doesn't really answer the guys question if he's not already using Google Voice. He said specifically in the question that he didn't want to change his number, but in order for Google Voice to block the number, you have to give up your cell phone number and use Google Voice…
@Platypus Man: The problem for me though, is that I see the J on emails sent to me from people who use outlook. I only use Gmail, but the when someone using outlook sends me an email with a smiley, it shows up as a J. I'd have to go to the people using outlook and change it on their computers.
@Spyrus21: Yep while you're talking you can press * (thanks xillwillx) and all your other phones connected with Google Voice will ring. You can then pick up whatever phone you'd like and continue talking. I haven't found an excuse to try it yet, but I can see how it'd be useful.