
I heard a good theory that Microsoft was afraid old programs were searching for Windows 9x and if they saw that to assume it was Windows 95/98. The programs then wouldn’t run because the operating system was too old. So they skipped 9 to avoid any programs from thinking it was Windows 95 or 98.

Go Tigers!

That's not Jamie Hyneman in the video, that's Will Smith, one of the hosts of Tested.com. #corrections

"It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry 'I could have thought of that' is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too." Douglas Adams

Did you know that every person with cancer is known to have used DHMO? Clearly DHMO is a dangerous substance!

Is the website that they talk about in the Princess Bride article down for anyone else?

I think you need to put the phrase under "Phrase" and the short text under "shortcut". So you'd put 'brb' under "shortcut" and "be right back" under "Phrase".

I used ifttt to do exactly that. It only posts public g+ to facebook, but that's enough for me.

Now playing

All of these are good choices, but I can't help but post my favorite.

Is there a way to do this with Keepass?

"Magnetism has never been this mesmerizing." I know someone who would disagree.

Blaine you say?

It's a fake account.

Except they were checking into "earthquake", not where they were.

I have an old 32in CRT TV in our house that has RGB input. Meaning I can plug a computer into it. What are some cool things I could do with a computer hooked up to the TV?

They admit they have, but they say they aren't going to any more. I'm interested to see how long that lasts though.

Isn't Extended Circles where your friends can see your posts as well as their friends, but NOT the public. In your post you say that Extended Circles includes everything in Public plus your friends of friends. Public is everyone even if they you don't follow them, but Extended Circles are your friends and their

CTRL+Shift+Tab will allow to switch tabs in the opposite direction. Useful for me when I have a bajillion tabs open.

You've never seen Fight Club I take it?