I knew Tituss in college (many mutual friends) and he really is as fun and delightful as you think he is. But if you piss him off, he will read you for filth. It’s one of his many talents. I was actually surprised at how mild that review was, tbh.
I knew Tituss in college (many mutual friends) and he really is as fun and delightful as you think he is. But if you piss him off, he will read you for filth. It’s one of his many talents. I was actually surprised at how mild that review was, tbh.
Way better than that scrub deserves.
You know what’s gluten free? His human flesh.
Girl, break up with that loser NOW. He is totally gaslighting you and doesn’t deserve the crumbs from the box.
I LOVE this little cafe down the street from my house. It’s so cute and independent and I want desperately for them to succeed, so the first few times I came by and they were sold out of TWO of my favorite items I was actually glad. I thought selling out meant they were doing well and I was happy for them.
she didn’t get upset just over a slice of pizza. she’s upset because you do this all the time, you fucking moocher. get a job because it looks like she’s supporting the relationship.
And let’s not forget the advice people love to give to pregnant women! I swear every stage of life is just people asking about your life and then telling you what to do about it.
No, it does not sound harsh. You’re totally right and I appreciate the thoughtful reply. Mr. Panther and I have been doing work on our house together and I realized I actually really enjoy painting and hammering and hauling wood around. I used to do those things all the time with my brother and my dad and grandad when…
Yes to the “jumping out of their skins”. I once had a co worker tell me “You’re so calm, and thoughtful. I wish I could be that way” I told her “Thank you, but sometimes on the inside I’m just...screaming.” She gave me a long look, and told me “Everyone is screaming on the inside”.
I turned 40 earlier this year, and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be only because I have wanted to run away from my life for a long time. I spent the better part of my 30s in a series of jobs I hated that got me absolutely nowhere wondering how the hell it all happened when I did everything I was supposed to…
You’re going great. :)
I bought myself this leather jacket I have been drooling over for months and months.
Playing and marching at the same time is such a bitch at first.
I’m the lady at the park who brings extra water bottles and offers baby wipes to anyone who needs it. My kids are older and easier, but I have such compassion for the moms who are still up to the elbows in kids.
I want to put a smiley face sign in my window that indicates me as a emergency, respite child care mom. You? Go take a shower by yourself. Walk through a quiet library. Me? I’ll feed your kid muffins and have them run in the back yard until they are too tired to sass.
I found a dumped pit bull, he’s old and super gentle. He also looks scary as hell mainly because he stares intently and is beefy. My husband I joke that no one will want to test out our marshmellow. I can leave him in my car with it running (for the ac) and know that no one will try and steal my car either.
Hey, don’t mean to call you out, but you seem to be confusing there and their. Easy way to remember - their has an I in it, as in “I own something.” If you can use our, that’s correct. There is a location “over there,” if you can substitute here, you’ve got it right.
In today’s Tweet Beat, Chris Evans looks back, Chance the Rapper is the greatest and Ariana Grande is excited.
I am regularly like, “would he even notice if I just threw all this out while he was gone?” Someday I am going to start cleaning out our junk closet in little increments, just to see.