
I want to be able to customise EVERYTHING in control centre (please). I wamt to take out stuff I don’t use like screen mirroring, and for the music controls to be larger and to include shuffle and repeat.

I strongly dislike the large, bold type for those headers. I know it’s “Messages” (or whatever). I clicked on the icon. I don’t need a super huge “MESSAGES!!!!!” at the top to remind me.

Is it bad that I wish it were true and that she could have, ahem, arranged for an “accident” to befall Donald Trump before the election?

YES! The MB bakeries are so, so good!

Apropos of nothing, I’m so pissed at these neo-Nazis co-opting even more Nordic symbols because now I have to re-do half of my Viking-era garb to get the now-racist symbols off. Assholes.

Jason Momoa is an automatic panty-creamer in my book.

They’re doing one on confectionary / sweets at the moment, with the chocolatiers / confectioners working in the Tudor kitchen at some huge pile (I forget its name)

Sweetheart, the beautiful coming years will bring us the fulfillment of our home of dreams, in which we will never use any baking powder except Rollings Reliable.

Haywire is a good action movie with a lead woman wearing sensible (for the most part) clothing.

Canadian, and I concur. ^^ Little known fact... most Canadians own at least one trebuchet. Trebuchet sales, service and accessories are my line. Plague corpse projectiles are booming in Prescott, Ontario right now... so look out, Ogdensberg, NY!!!

I like the Big Bang Theory, there I said it. I don’t watch a lot of TV because I keep weird hours so I mostly catch it in re-runs. Sometimes you just want some brain candy after a long and trying day at work.

Everyone else gets roasted chicken, while the President’s chicken is served in breaded strips shaped like dinosaurs.

Are you a soda drinker? Drink Diet Coke for a few months and you won’t like going back to regular coke. It is sweeter. I went on a diet in high school, started drinking diet coke, and ever since I cannot stand regular coke.

Why bother with the Diet Coke? I mean, really?

Ugh. Here, have some Justin Trudeau exercise pics as a palate cleanser.

I’m from MA, lived in Sunnyvale, worked in Los Altos and Palo Alto for 8 years.. I like Boston.

Actually that was Garth Brooks and he’s AWESOME! Dunno what his politics are, though. But he’s a damn good songwriter.

From Twitter -- “Why is Sara Palin dressed like she’s headed to singles night at the local Moose lodge?”

Are you a doctor, medical professional, or pharmacist? If not keep your opinions on pain management options to yourself.

I see your Inara and I raise you an Adria. Hallowed are the Ori.