
I just hope this show dies a quick death. If they wanted to bring the Muppets back, they should have gone with a new “Muppet Show”, Vaudeville shlock and all.

What creative and artistic satisfaction could he possibly getting out of this?

They came for the welfare?

Does this have a cult following already? If so I’m not aware of it.

Nine Deaths of the Ninja is GODDAMNED brilliant! Its one of the best ninja flicks of the eighties and when you - and when you have movies with Franco Nero and Lee Van Cleef playing Ninja, that’s saying something!


I think these guys had a pretty disastrous trip.

A few episodes of Now and Again, to resolve the series up, yeah that would be great.

I want nay need more Witches of East End

I think it had a great ending, but I really wouldn’t say no to more Journeyman.

Honestly, I’d like to see a short 6 episode limited series of

I wouldn’t mind seeing some resolution to Carnivale.

Their reasoning was “Girls are watching it? But girls don’t buy toys! And the only reason to have the show is to sell toys therefore CANCELLED!”

There is no reason too cancel a show because girls happened to be watching it.

A proper send-off for Torchwood would be lovely, as would a non-shitty Dead Like Me finale. Mandy Patinkin, I know you’ve moved on but the absence of both you and the real Daisy made that awful follow-up all the more painful. Everyone was written like they were Mason and that just fucking blew.

“his Flash costume will have a “post-apocalyptic” appearance.”

Now playing

For the use of this song alone!! So awesome when I heard the first few notes and made the connection. Brilliantly played.

Elliot is apparently a gawker fan: