
Disappointed Sorbo is disappointed

YES, THIS. It looks too desaturated, so so desaturated. PPG was vibrant as high-hell with color.

Didn't a meteor crash in the background of one of the "before" videos in Cloverfield, implying the monster was from outer space? Or was that the Enterprise or some shit?

I clicked this article in front of a friend, and she said "Oh! Like the Avengers?"

When I looked perplexed she showed me what she was thinking, and we realized she had totally misread the title.

David Willis of Shortpacked! has the best response to this kind of thinking -

Oh, and I love whoever came up with Knottsferatu

Carob?? If you have children, they definitely hate you.

I had the pleasure of having my MacBook denied a Genius Bar repair request on the grounds that the colony of dead insects inside it posed an OHSA work hazard and the techs were not allowed to so much as look at my machine.

I was gang raped. I was 21 it was my first year drinking, I never liked it much and I left my drink alone and they put a roofie in it. I had only one drink that night. Then I let them share a cab to take me home (I suddenly felt so sleepy and heavy... I could not walk... but maybe it was my marathon training... I had

I honestly don't think I can keep reading about this, and I stuck through news about stuebenville, maryville, and others. I'm not sure if it's a straw that broke the camel's back scenario or if this is just particularly vile but it really bums out my whole day and outlook on life. I feel like an idiot just burying my

Happy Friday, ya'll!

Yeah, sure. If you're a plus size lady with minus size boobs, it ain't happening. Even these guys don't have my size in the style I wanted.

whenever my brother or I are dressed for any reason we always say to each other "Say kid, wooo! That's a bad outfit! Woooo!"

Some bits hold up pretty well, but on the whole they're pretty embarrassing. I really do appreciate the fact that most of the scenes in Metropolis were actually shot on location in Manhattan, and not Toronto or St. Louis.