
I pumped and used formula. Despite having a lactation consultant we never were able to do it. Plus, I had PPD so there’s that.

There was a guy who lived in my dorm who would stick his boogers on this one spot by the door. An entire semester’s worth. Several sources reported he also sneakily peed into a girl’s bottle of beer, whilst chatting her up. Oh and either he or one of his roommate's took a dump in an air vent. Yup.

What do all the fractions mean? Sorry if it is obvious.

Had trouble finding something to write about I gather. 

What makes you say that? I think he’d have said the same thing had she not been biracial.

I haven’t, though, in fairness I haven’t been with that many men.

I think I might be the only one who doesn’t understand! I know that Lady Marmalade is a song that’s been covered a lot and was in Moulin Rouge. But, when you talk about casting Lady Marmalade.....what does that mean?

Yeah, he’s the new Leo, apparently. I don’t get it either. He seems like a decent fellow to me.

If that’s their worst song then they are better than I thought. 

Sigh. Dudes, my brother is very handsome. He has never had trouble finding women to sleep with him. But, he has had his full share of heartbreak, failure and pain in his life.

She is a world champion, world class, possibly the GOAT tennis player. But her clothing designs.......let’s just say, the vast majority of people don’t get to be world class at more than one thing.

Thats what I thought I was doing! Lol. How do you post on a specific thread? I don t get it

Thank you for posting this. I am short so I have asked people to reach things for me a lot over the years. And I have actually reached things for the really, really short folks among us ( which was exciting for me)But, since most people, especially men, are taller than me I ask people of varying heights for help. I

I hate pie ala mode, or cake ala mode. I like my ice cream kept as a separate dessert! I don’t like whipped cream on pie either. Whew! That felt good to get off my chest.

If you’re from NY, it is sacreligious

That's common

I definitely think this is a factor, particularly at a young age. Very detrimental.

Ok, so the subject of this article is taking hormones to grow breasts presumably? Thanks for the link and your patience.

And if there are multiple people in the article or novel, essay etc. Yes it can be confusing. Not in every instance, but can still be confusing. I like the creation of a new pronoun altogether.