I prefer to give women like this my attention.
I prefer to give women like this my attention.
^^ THIS ^^
Cher Will Not Apologize for Anything!
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
This particular hot take is more insightful than 99% of the Trump County profiles I’ve read.
The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.
If she’d picked the lottery I bet he would have come back on his own.
Literal lol.
Of course they do. Because the public would be outraged if a child offender’s punishment was decided by a court specifically created to deal with child offenders. Because the public is an asshole.
His murder of Heather Heyer was an intentional hate crime, and has been well-reported. The EIGHT PEOPLE PERMANENTLY MAIMED have gone almost unmentioned by media since that wretched event.
Yes. Be a miserable son-of-a-bitch like me and stop dating after college because you have a gigantic student loan you will never pay off and you don’t want to drag anybody else into that world.
In the meantime, watch other broke-ass people not care and live relatively happy lives. or at least crappy lives but with more…
I get it, definitely, and that’s basically the (common sense) argument that Dr. Nerdlove made in response to the previous letter on this topic. It just strikes me that coming so soon on the heels of that previous letter, this one seemed like it was almost a willful exaggeration of the question of male uncertainty on…
Alas, so is his solid voting base.
It’s like your racist aunt’s forwarded emails became sentient, coagulated into a semi-human form, developed narcissistic personality disorder and dementia, and were voted into the Oval Office.
“Then I had this moment of panic because a puppy without a collar is a stray; they don’t have anyone to look after them. [...] It’s a sad thing to say, but there’s not love from the heart in me for Colin–but what I have got is someone who is there for me and I’m happy with that.”
This doesn’t sound super healthy? If…
never have I encountered a pursuit of orgasm that seems so completely exhausting as this.
“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”