There’s quite the difference between “big-ass wiper” and “big ass-wiper.”
They probably stonewalled the fuck out of her and lied their asses off to cover up what is going on.
That’s how you know the police aren’t really there to help you.
Thank GOD there aren’t readily available flying cars!!!
They had to remove the gutters because Tesla employees’ morale kept falling into them.
Plus if it got hit by a lightning bolt while in flight mode everything gets totally fucked.
Fuel lines could easily get torn on the brush, and fuel tanks were very vulnerable to Native American arrows.
Plus, the loading port for the Mr. Fusion was in about the worst possible spot to reach.
My favorite Confederate flag trivia is that it was never even the flag of The Confederacy.
That is really the question - because they really should not be, at all. Did the owner leave his key card thing in the truck??
How is it we live in a time where telling people that bringing a loaded, unholstered weapon into the airport will get you arrested is news? Shouldn’t that just be obvious to everyone?
While taxiing, its winglet contacted a parked and unoccupied corporate jet.
More roundabouts. We need more roundabouts.
the director’s cut available on Max cleans it up a bunch to make it more watchable, but I was also pleasantly surprised when I finally watched it last year.
It’s an interesting comparison, but it really puts into relief the fact that Phantom Menace never got its Wrath of Khan follow-up. Lucas fumbled the ball on the first film, and just kept fumbling it.
I LOVE THIS COMPARISON. This probably helps to explain why, when I finally caught up with ST:TMP after years of hearing it was bad, I thought... uh... this seems kind of great?! I’d have to rewatch them all to be sure, but it might be my favorite of the original six. And I’m not even a big Trekker! I’ve mostly just…
The sedan I’ve conveniently affixed a “Come and take them!” bumper sticker to.