
We pulled the old carpet out of our basement and decided to redo the flooring. Instead of getting new carpet, we decided to first paint the concrete floor in FlexSeal (for waterproofing) and then getting the cheapest vinyl tiles we could from Menard’s.

Am I the only one who sees Killmonger’s ritual scars and thinks of that old Skittles Pox commercial???

It’s okay that Wanda Sykes is not coming back, because no one else is, either.

If I were going to introduce someone to the classic Star Trek, I would show them “The Corbomite Maneuver” (season 1, episode 10). This is an episode that balances the performances of all the leads and guest players as well as the core Trek philosophy that we can learn from those who are different from us.

Is it too late to suggest having Kevin James fall asleep as Kevin Gable and wake up as Doug Heffernan, a la the last episode of Newhart?

They announced it last week... on the day Infinity War came out.

I love it. If you watch more than a couple of movies at the theatre in a month, it’s worth it. The “no repeat viewings” thing is a bit of a drag, but this also makes me diversify my choices, so I might see something I would have passed over at first. Highly recommended.

My sister’s best friend maintained it was okay to blow through a 4-way stop because the other three drivers were probably paying attention.

I follow my old mentor Ken’s philosophy: “Keep borrowing your dad’s tools until he gets fed up and gives them to you as Christmas presents.”

So Kylie’s baby has the same name as our local weatherman’s dog.

“Steve Bannon is out at Breitbart. Unclear where he is at this precise moment, but my money is on a D.C. tattoo parlor, getting a tattoo of Thomas Cromwell on his upper thigh.”

I want to make a Monty Python / “Lumberjack Song” joke so bad...

This is one of the things I love about the Internet: there’s always an idiot willing to do something intensely stupid. I can sit back and watch and not have to deal with the consequences.

Dear Tim Allen:

Inner circle jerks.


In my mind, “disaster” and “Donald Trump” are pretty much synonymous.

Getting anything close to my eyes. Once I got a scratched cornea and the ER doc had to give me Valium just so she could examine me. Anytime I go to the optometrist it’s a painful act of will not to freak out. I don’t wear glasses or contacts (my eyesight is pretty good), but I know if I ever need lenses or (shudder)