“Boss Octopus” would make an awesome name for a band.
I’m conflicted. When I read about Trump turning on Sessions, I automatically sided with Sessions, because... well, Trump.
Got a real They Live vibe to their packaging...
So... no one in the Kardashian family is capable of having a successful long-term relationship, correct?
Maybe he’s just mad because he thought he was meeting Zach Braff, and this Canadian guy showed up.
I betcha Cruise is making Top Gun 2 because he wants a franchise where he’s not running ALL THE TIME.
I would love to see Lecy Goranson and Sarah Chalke alternate playing Becky... not just episodes, but alternate between scenes. I would watch the crap out of that.
My wife and I are big fans of this show since the beginning... we even named our cat “Schmidt.” I felt the season finale would have worked as a perfectly good end to the show... but I am happy to spend one last season with these characters.
I admit, I’m impressed.
And thus, the productive part of my day comes to an end.
My wife and I just had a discussion about this last night. There is a Planet Fitness 2-3 minutes from our house, but it is always super-busy. There’s another one about 15-20 minutes away that is almost never busy. My wife would gladly drive across town for a less crowded location, but the longer the drive, the less…
One of my favorite sounds: the crack of the bat, followed by the momentary silence, then the roar of a crowd when the hit is fair and potentially game-changing. I will never grow tired of that.
“Bullshit Tornado” would make an excellent title for a Donald Trump biography.
I was sure it was Dabney Coleman for a minute...
Wow, Lee Greenwood. I wonder if he’ll play “God Bless the U.S.A.”
I think I’m the only person in the world who doesn’t like this show. I’ve watched plenty of episodes (my wife is a huge Golden Girls fan), but I just cannot see the appeal. It seems so cliched and obvious to me.