
If horror / sci-fi media has taught me anything, it’s that when you create a monster, said monster is likely to run wild and do whatever it wants, regardless of what you created it to do.

It finally hit me: Trump looks like Flick from A Christmas Story. He’s been triple-dog-dared, and now he knows he’s going to have to stick his tongue to the frozen post. He knows this is a bad idea, he doesn’t want to do it... but he can’t back down from a triple-dog-dare.

Or the Legion of Doom.

I expect to see a lot more of this, and not just from El Presidente.

Today is my 14th wedding anniversary — when we got up this morning, I promised my wife I would make today about the two of us instead of the election. I’m trying, but every so often I fall to the verge of panic thinking about what a Trump presidency means for the United States.

I think Donald Trump would actually enjoy being strangled to death by a slave girl in a bikini. I hear that’s how his grandfather died.

Co-worker: Did you see that??? He shut her down!!!

When I saw the picture, I thought it was Al Gore in disguise gaslighting the Fox News congregation.

Basically, Donald Trump is like a loathsome talking doll that comes with only two phrases: “It’s rigged!” and “I’ll sue!”

I think he’s trying to get on “Dancing with the Stars” or “Worst Chefs - Celebrity Edition.”

A friend of mine has a son named Caleb. He is the compleat dork (every Sunday this summer he has worn a long-sleeved shirt buttoned all the way up, shorts, knee socks and loafers to church), but he’s also remarkably sweet and thoughtful.

Paying as little attention to this as possible... although I wonder if the divorce settlement will drive Brad Pitt to team up with Clooney and Damon again for another Ocean’s movie.

Trump uses the statements “Something was up / something is going on” a lot. Truly we live in a golden age of conspiracy theories.

Now playing

I’ve always felt Alan Silvestri’s “Captain America March” (from the end credits of Captain America: The First Avenger) perfectly sums up Cap’s spirit of patriotism and rollicking adventure. I would happily watch fireworks to this piece.

For me, one of the best lessons about leadership comes from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.


Also: no hands below the equator unless you know this person really, really well.

The Interdictor cruiser was developed for West End Games’ Imperial Sourcebook in 1989, not for the Lucasarts X-Wing video games.

I wonder if this invite was delivered by the same magical carrier pigeon that brought the letter from the NFL agreeing with Donald about the presidential debates.

Clearly, Rita Ora is...