
Imma go there, cause I’m petty as hell right now.

So I’m struck by two pretty opposing reactions, ya’all.

One thing I don’t get is the desire to figure out how she “really feels.” Who cares?

Seriously, he put some dude named Louis DeJoy with no experience in the mail delivery business

They should have NEVER went on that damn recess. I’ve been real sick of Congress for years, and, more recently, the Democratic side’s “but we can’t do much because the GOP hold the majority” justifications and the liberals rushing to defend them is now inexcusable.

Great! Now get him to shut the fuck up until the convention and then until after election night.

I think there’s a reasonable conversation to be had about empowerment vs objectification with stuff like this. Ben Shapiro wouldn’t be anywhere near that conversation though. 

Men have crowed about their cocks (the very word “cock”!) since time immemorial. I say it’s high time for women to brag about their wet-ass pussies. It’s a social leveling. Yes, Cardi’s video is rather ridiculous, but she’s enjoying herself, she’s in control, and no one is making you (Ben Shapiro, I mean) or anyone

There’s nothing judging in your comment. Seeing a man and a woman in (I assume) a sexual relationship talk about a moist vagina as some kind of health problem is really sad. 

He could’ve also gone with the edited version which replaces WAP with “wet and gushy” which, in my opinion, actually sounds much raunchier somehow?

The guy who voted for a the guy who bragged about sexual assault is offended by a rap song. I’m gonna get right on taking that seriously.

Ben Shapiro is just going to make Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion more money, just like Tipper Gore did back in my day when everyone fell apart over NWA etc. 

“I never thought it would happen to me, but there I was, minding my own business when WAP popped up on my browser and seized control of my computer!”

In my day it was Tipper Gore. IMO there is way, WAY too much attention paid to pop-culture junk in this country. We survived 2 Live Crew, we’ll survive “wet ass pussy”.

The best part is, it’s completely counter-productive to their cause. Conservatives coming after fun things that normal people like can actually inspire a tiny bit of political awareness in young folks. I remember learning to despise Joe Lieberman well before he became known for fucking up the public option because he

So, based on this and that guy who accidentally listened to the song the other day, have none of these people listened to Whole Lotta Love? Or how about The Lemon Song? Shoot, there are even more crass songs out there like Titties and Beer, or how about The Bad Touch? Do they think that making music about sex is

Bitch is so far in the closet he’s talking to Aslan.

Thrilled to learn right wing women are getting terrible sex though. At least there is a little bit of justice in this world.”

This reminds me of a story. Norman Mailer’s publisher had him substitute the word fug in The Naked and the Dead. When Mailer met Dorothy Parker, she said, “So you’re the guy who can’t spell ‘fuck.’”

Conservatives love an outrage boner, too bad they would not know what to do with it. I have not seen the actual video, just the headlines and SM chatter. You have to go looking for it. “I was just sitting at home in my slanket hugging my MyPillow when I was whacked in the face by WAP” is obvious bullshit. Thrilled to