
Teach her about consent, bodily autonomy, and personal boundaries. This can start now, regardless of her age, because it doesn’t need to involve conversations about sex. Don’t make her give hugs to anyone, including you/her mom/other family. Don’t let other children or adults force her into physical situations she’s

And this was over 10 damn years ago. Same shit, different decade. WTH people!

They really really really really really really do. The Sheriff and local DA are two of the most powerful people in your life. Spread the word to your friends; democracy is fucking powerful sometimes!

I hope that they get their paychecks garnished, and their tax returns and every other money making scheme they get money from. But jail? That doesn’t help anyone and costs taxpayers money.

I voted for these women. When I woke up the next day and realized they ALL won, I was flabbergastedly (new word) excited.

Some do. You can set it up to not unlock when shifting to park. This is what I did.

I asked my husband to quit drinking beer around me in solidarity. That’s it.

I just really hope that day isn’t when I’m 50.

We don’t even do Santa with my kid and I fully expect her to do a better job keeping her mouth shut around other children than this grown-up fool.

Ahh.. he is one of those. My mother’s family is Creole (although some are darker and some are the passing variety) from southern LA (Louisiana not Los Angeles). Please don’t get my grandmother started on this variety of “uh” person. She would probably make Terry some gumbo for speaking the truth. 

Spankings made me an excellent liar...

That made a real impact on me and while What To Do Instead evolved over the years, hearing that I needed a plan to replace spanking or hitting made me a better parent I think.

I gotta agree. I was spanked as a form of discipline. I don’t think it made me a bad person. However, I did decide that I wouldn’t spank my (now grown) children. I disciplined them and they are well-mannered, both in college and trying to be civically minded people.

As a fellow Texan, I can’t agree enough. For over a decade, the DNC pretty much wouldn’t fund House and state seats in Texas. I know this because my county chair said as much in early 2017. I decided then to give my money directly to the candidates. We are gerrymandered to hell and back and need seats at the table on

My youngest could vote for the first time. So, my oldest, youngest and myself went to vote on Tuesday in Harris county. We took a picture with our stickers so I can’t post it here but it is on my facebook page. They said they voted straight ticket (I don’t, I click on each name), but they compared the list by the

You need to go to your county registrar’s office and check to see if you are registered. For example, I am in Houston so I can go to https://www.harrisvotes.com/. Also, go to https://www.votetexas.gov/. If you are still registered in the old place, you can go there and vote. I am a volunteer deputy voter registrar for

I am a survivor and I haven’t told most people over a decade later. What would be the point of telling people something I cannot prove to their standard of a burden of proof (you know, since of course loving and trusting me wouldn’t be enough to just believe my story since I’m not trying to send anyone to prison or

That brought back a memory. I remember sitting for the pledge in my TX high school way back in yesteryear and the only teacher who got salty was this substitute teacher. She told me to stand, I told her I didn’t have to, she tried to lecture me, and I shrugged and went about my business—because there was nothing she

This is my school district. I called them as soon as heard about this and told them this was some bunk. They assured me that this was a mistake and they were investigating and the student would be let back in school. It looks like call Ken Paxton’s office to tell him to STFU. Thanks for the phone numbers. 

Ditto and that is all I can bear to say about it.