
HIGH FUCKING FIVE. I have always been firmly pro-choice but pregnancy and motherhood has made me MILITANTLY pro-choice. I love my child and love spending time with her but this is really hard and not something anyone should ever be forced or coerced into.

I wonder what the strategy was to get POCs out to vote successfully in such large numbers.

I think you’re going to see a lot of hard targeting of Ted Cruz’s seat as well.

As a black female, voter it is tiring. One woman said her back is tired from carrying the Democratic Party. Especially when we cannot get them to acknowledge our support or issues that are important to us.

“. . . you can’t get pregnant . . . if you shake up a bottle of coke and spray it up there.”

Knock on doors and communicate with the people you want to represent why you are good for them. Make it personal and personable if you can.

This makes helluva sense to me. I have lived this. Of course, I have been known to tear these “friends” a new asshole for generalizations. I love to make a generalization about them and watch them get all offended with hurt feelings. I think it has made at least one person stop and think.

I want to say LBJ was sworn in by the first federal judge they could find, but who knows how a Constitutional crisis would play out with various lawsuits and legal fights.

I know people of all religions: jews, hindus, muslims, christians, catholics, mormons, buddhists, etc. and in my experience, those who are the best people are those who apply the lessons of their religion, rather than trying to apply the letter of the law directly to their lives.

Your child is going to get suspended no matter what if a fight breaks out. Teach your child that defending yourself isn’t just okay, it’s the right thing to do, and then teach them how to throw a solid right cross.

i thought russell simmons was trash ever since that whole rushcard debacle, so nothing about him surprises me. plus, he started dating kimora lee when she was 16/17 and was known as being a womanizer, so much so that tyra banks (lee’s best friend) warned her against dating him.

I need to do that. I have no issues with Thrift store shoes.

My feet are small (I wear a 6-6.5) so use the ball of my feet to drive. My big toe is too darn small. I drove a manual transmission for over 20 years mostly with bare feet.

I get what you are saying, but I think I smell when others say I don’t when I work out. I also have teenage sons so I have been ambushed with funky feet. :)

I drive barefoot. I have done it for years, even when I had a standard.

Full Disclosure: I have been the barefoot one.

Horrifying.... I tell people who don’t want to have children, “Good! Don’t! It’s crazy hard/expensive/terrible for your career.” Luckily, I love my little lifesuckers- but they are like face tattoos: a permanent life change.

But at least we all kind of spoke the same societal language. There’s something to be said for that.

I think a part of it is throwing their base some red meat. Abortion is murdering babies according to many of these people. Another part is women (never men by the way) should have consequences for their sex having. The third part is that they realize that the white majority is slowly being eradicated. If they can stop

The only reason those statues were erected was to remind black people “of their place”. Racism, pure and simple. Nearly every single Confederate statue has been erected as an explicit response to blacks fighting for their rights.