
I firmly believe in mandatory voting.

I am 5' tall, so all men are taller than me thus, I have no preference in the height department but that is wierd. I’d choose short hottie over ugly giant anyday.

I totally agree! I look at him and can see that all the parts that should make him sexy to me are absolutely there, but...I don’t know, my lady bits just never tingle much when I see him. I always had the same thing with Ryan Gosling, who just doesn’t do it for me even though I can technically see why others swoon

I ask them to change it. In the past, I have complained to management that their news station is making me uncomfortable. HDTV for waiting rooms everywhere!

Non major city parts of Texas just took a shot and will wade in momentarily.

Checking in from Texas and Ted Fucking Cruz is gonna have to work for it.

Can I come?

Ditto Greg Abbott. I will call though.

Another reason why I would never shop at a WalMart- either in person or online.

Interesting — my son works for part time for Sam’s Club (basically a Walmart) he has sick days, they force him on pain of disciplinary action to take his lunch breaks, etc.. he get’s vacation, he’s not allowed to do anything for the store unless he’s punched in, etc..

Vintage Park..

I love Drafthouse, I just wish they’d open up closer to Houston city center. A 40 minute drive to Katy makes me less likely to go to some of their cool weeknight programming.

Hell, I am 43 and I don’t get this “Russians are our besties” movement going on. We had air raid sirens that rung each Friday for fear of the Soviet Union (always referred to as the Russians) until 1992. I mean the British, Canadians, French, West Germans were our friends NOT the Russians. Now, we are sharing

The FBI has the best of the best of investigators in multiple fields, if there is some wrongdoing here they’ll find it.

Wait. Dinosaurs were on the Ark but they also died in the flood? What?

Taco night was a once a month Friday rotation that I used to look forward to so much that I used to circle it in my school dayplanner.

Thanks for adding the link. I donated. This is a real problem. Over 15 years ago, I was the lady driving to and from work with no car insurance. It was either pay the car insurance or pay the car note. I had a mortgage and my grandmother (who stayed with me and watch my preschool age children) needed meds that cost

I’m also 43 and I thought the same thing. It didn’t help that although I am from Texas, I became politically aware in CA. So, when I came back home, I realized how much I had to fight just to be treated equally as an af-am woman. I still don’t understand how we were farther behind today than we were in the 90s.  

Yes, I am capable of disagreeing with Democrats and some of their policies as well as disagreeing with Republicans and their policies too; it’s not a zero-sum game, it’s usually multi-faceted and layered.

I’m in Texas. So, I am trying my damnedest to fight from within.