
My understanding (and I could be wrong) is that about 40% of undocumented immigrants came in by air and overstayed a VISA.

Trump can’t buy the education, class, grace, and adoration Obama has.

Some countries make voting a legal obligation and I believe that they have the correct view.

I’m STILL not over Goodfellas losing to Dances with Wolves.

Everyone’s line is different. My philosophy is that I won’t spend my money on your art and I won’t praise your art. If it shows up on HBO/Netflix/Amazon, then I might look at it in my room with shame, but I will not give my money for your works. Off the top of my head, my lists includes:

Thanks. We are blue islands in a red sea. The funny/sad thing is that almost half of the state’s population live in these blue islands.

Chiming in as a Texas resident, don’t leave us. Our major cities are already (or turning) blue. The fucking gerrymandering is killing us with Congress. This progressive is doing all she can including dragging people to democratic meetings.

Hahaha.. Good one!

Their go-to move seems to be “God Forgives”.

We were talking to another neighbor, also Indian. She said her elementary school daughter thinks she’s like anyone else, a regular American kid, and how does she explain to her that she isn’t? That now she is the “other”?

I was there and it was crazy. Everyone was so excited and optimistic.

Oranges and Sunshine had me in tears one minute and pissed the fuck off the next. I watched it on Amazon Prime or Netflix a couple of months ago.

Lindsey Graham will forever be known as Senator Blanche Devereaux* to me from now on. Thanks for this!

Thanks so much for sharing!

Yeah..the local news “accidentally” left out the part where he was forced to compete against the girls. (Come on, KPRC Houston.)

Once, at a basketball game, the opposing coach FORCED HIM (then her) TO GO INTO THE LOCKER ROOM AND PROVE THAT HE WAS BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE.

I grew up in the in Texas, and personally find it shocking that they even have female wrestling.

OMG that chair story. I would have flipped the table over onto her head.

WTF! Hell, I am starting to feel that working in tech in the (mostly) Energy industry has been a decent path. I haven’t had this level of blatant* bullshit leveled at me (which is saying something because I work in Texas with rig/field/tech guys).

They threatened children with a shotgun for being black.