
Add Texas to that list. What is really fucked up is that after the Americans stole Texas from Mexico, then all of a sudden the Mexicans that were here were the bad guys. I dated a guy whose mother’s family had been in South Texas for over 300 years. Of course, they are assumed to be undocumented.

I’ve met and broken bread with progressives who are pro-Israel. Contrary to popular belief, being “pro-Israel” =/= “support Israel in whatever Netanyahu decides to do.”

It really opens the door for Trump saying something like “I like people who DON’T get their limbs blown off.” Which you know would 100% happen.

There is local talk here in Texas that Joaquin Castro will go after Ted Cruz’s Senate seat. Castro could pull in the Hispanic vote hard which could tip the scales. I will help him campaign all over the state if this happens.

So it sounds like Utah used the same system that Texas uses to keep the Democratic representation down.

It is not just gerrymandering for some states. It is the blue states tend to have more Democratic contenders on the ballot and they split the vote. If it is one thing the Republicans are good at, it is colluding (and cheating) to gain power.

I am sooo stealing this! I seriously wish I could give you more than one star. You deserve it.

You will find someone. You are definitely young (this irritated the hell outta me when I was young, but it is true). I finding people that you have things in common with and go from there. I also think you should try to expand your social circle like maybe join meetup that shares a common interest*. Don’t let anyone

I personally wouldn’t marry someone without having sex first, but I’m not sure why I think it matters.

My parents are still together too. They were married at 18 (both virgins) and have been married going on 45 years. I couldn’t/wouldn’t/can’t do it, but it worked for them.

I totally get it. I am a native and my very large family is here. They will never leave. I know lots of people like this in my community. Then there are the transplants that come here and think what nice people, affordable homes, decent jobs and look at the damn state government and get the fuck outta dodge (can’t

I second Tammy Duckworth and she is good at calling bullshit.

Well hell I can understand it, but all of my family is here and I can’t abandon them.

Please don’t leave me here alone in Texas. We are fighting here in Houston with our diverse and immigrant population. I think we have a fighting chance in 2018.

I agree, especially if Joaquin Castro goes after him. I want Julian Castro to go after Greg Abbott’s governorship. I think they could make it. We just need to pull in all the counties that went for Clinton and maybe two more populous counties.

:Waves: I live in the suburbs of Houston and I work at home for the most part. My neighborhood is pretty darn purple. There were Trump signs (boo!) next door to Clinton signs. I live in a very diverse neighborhood (by choice) so I think that helps a lot. My kids go to a diverse school in the Cy-Fair school district

Oh come on.. Us blue islands in red state seas need you guys more than ever now. I am speaking of my city, Houston and our city bffs Austin and San Antonio. You guys give us hope.

I am definitely going to do this. Thanks so much for the suggestion!

The poor thing would probably keel over from exhaustion.

I think they will impeach him, if/when he brings up term limits.